Donald Trump, Senate, George Pell: Your Evening Briefing – New York Times

Posted: June 30, 2017 at 12:51 am

As her show Morning Joe was ending, Mr. Trump taunted Ms. Brzezinski as low I.Q. Crazy Mika who had been bleeding badly from a face-lift at Mar-a-Lago in December. Ms. Brzezinski responded by posting a photograph of a box of Cheerios with the words, Made For Little Hands.

In other White House news, the presidents national security adviser said Mr. Trump would meet with President Vladimir Putin of Russia on the sidelines of the G-20 meeting in Hamburg next week.


3. Speaking of the G-20, the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, is predicting very tough climate and trade talks with the U.S. there.

A new study in the journal Science explores the economic harm that climate change could inflict on the U.S. in the coming century. The greatest impact: a projected increase in heat wave deaths that would hit parts of the Midwest and Southeast especially hard. Above, a scene from Phoenix this month.


4. Republican leaders, in retreat from the bruising battle over the health care bill, said they were considering proposals to keep one of the Affordable Care Acts taxes on high-income people.

Also under discussion: more money to combat the opioid epidemic and new incentives for people to establish tax-free savings accounts for medical expenses. Above, Mitch McConnell, the Senate majority leader, and the majority whip, John Cornyn.

The late-night host Samantha Bee saw a parallel between Washington and Hollywood. It turns out, 13 rich white guys alone in a room isnt how good legislation happens, she quipped. Its how Suicide Squad happens.


5. Twice in the past month, N.S.A. cyberweapons stolen from its arsenal have been turned against American allies. The agency has kept quiet, not acknowledging its role in developing the weapons, and prompting criticism that its hoarding knowledge that could stop the attacks.

Many are asking if the U.S. intelligence agencies rushed to create digital weapons that they cannot keep safe.


6. Pope Francis granted a leave of absence to Cardinal George Pell, a top Vatican official who has been charged with sexual assault, so that he could return to Australia to defend himself.

The Australian police have yet to reveal the details of the charges or the ages of the complainants. Cardinal Pell, above, said he is innocent and denounced what he called a relentless character assassination.


7. President Xi Jinping of China arrived in Hong Kong for ceremonies marking the anniversary of the former British colonys return to Chinese rule. Thousands of police officers were deployed to keep protesters at bay.

Our correspondent says that Hong Kong was seen as a rare blend of East and West that China might seek to emulate. But now its racked by problems, like a dire lack of affordable housing, amid fighting over its political future.


8. This is our moment, fellas. Now make me proud.

That was our columnist, Tyler Kepner, noting the proliferation of major league baseball players who share his first name. He counted 30 in the last two seasons, and the Yankees now have four.


9. Seeing a movie over what many people are treating as a holiday weekend?

Our critic calls Baby Driver, the new action movie from the director Edgar Wright, a pop pastiche par excellence.

The film follows a getaway driver named Baby, played by Ansel Elgort, as a heist goes wrong. Jamie Foxx, Jon Hamm and other notable names join him on screen.


10. Finally, in the name of service journalism, we taste-tested 10 hot dogs for your summertime cookouts.

The winners were Wellshire Farms (smoky, herby) and good old Hebrew National (the peoples hot dog). The losers evoked adjectives like funky and flaccid.

Have a great night.


Photographs may appear out of order for some readers. Viewing this version of the briefing should help.

Your Evening Briefing is posted at 6 p.m. Eastern.

And dont miss Your Morning Briefing, posted weekdays at 6 a.m. Eastern, and Your Weekend Briefing, posted at 6 a.m. Sundays.

Want to look back? Heres last nights briefing.

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Donald Trump, Senate, George Pell: Your Evening Briefing - New York Times

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