Donald Trump: Latest News, Top Stories & Analysis – POLITICO

Posted: May 22, 2017 at 4:28 am

President Donald Trump took off on Friday afternoon, embarking on his first foreign trip as president and almost as soon as he was wheels up to Saudi Arabia the bombshells started going off.

The New York Times reported that Trump boasted to Russian officials that in firing FBI Director James Comey he had dispatched a nut job and that his ouster took great pressure off of him. The Washington Post, meanwhile, reported that the federal investigation into possible collusion between Trumps presidential campaign and Russia includes a current White House official as a significant person of interest.

Elsewhere in Trumps orbit:

COMEY ONE, COME ALL: Former FBI Director James Comey has agreed to testify in public to the Senate Intelligence Committee after Memorial Day.

SUBSIDY SUBMARINED?: President Trump has told associates that he would like to end payments of key Affordable Care Act subsidies a move that could destabilize the laws marketplaces.

Original post:

Donald Trump: Latest News, Top Stories & Analysis - POLITICO

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