Donald Trump Did a Zillion Tweets Today and Each One Is Terrible – Mother Jones

Posted: January 25, 2020 at 2:15 pm

As day two of his impeachment trial began in the Senate, President Donald Trump departed Switzerland, en route to Washington, DC.

The trip to Davos, a high-powered conference for the jet set and global elite, was very successful, the third president ever to be impeached said. For USA.

Had the conference not gone well for other countries? Unclear. What was it George Washington said during his Second Inaugural? Screw em or some such?

The flight wentwell, it went. The flight flew and didnt crash. So in that sense, it was a good flight. But how did the flight go in relative terms to most flights? Maybe not so great.

The president broke a personal record for most tweets and retweets.

He did some retweets of people saying nice things about him.

He retweeted some videos of himself complaining about democrats.

He retweeted some compliments from his sons, Don Jr. and Mike.

He retweeted some weird tweets by the guy who runs social media for his campaign.

He tweeted no pressure before immediately retweeting a set of tweets from a congressman credibly accused of failing to report sexual abuse.

He then sent about a million retweets of crazy people I am not going to bother putting here.

Finally, he topped it off with a Trump golden classic, threatening immigrants:

We wish he could have stayed in Davos longer, many Americans and no Swiss thought.

tl;dr: Donald Trump spent this Wednesday the same way he spends most Wednesdays, the only difference being this Wednesday he was live-tweeting Fox News on a plane and also facing removal from office in the Senate.

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Donald Trump Did a Zillion Tweets Today and Each One Is Terrible - Mother Jones

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