Donald Trump and Republicans have an ace in the hole for 2020: the Democratic Party – Daily Advertiser

Posted: October 24, 2019 at 10:48 am

The Editorial Board, USA TODAY Published 9:30 a.m. CT Oct. 22, 2019

Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders aren't the only presidential candidates who deserve consideration. Democrats, take your time: Our view

Going into the 2020 election, President Donald Trump looks vulnerable. He faces an impeachment inquiry in the House.He has the lowest average approval rating in polling history. And his standing among independents is awful, especially for a Republican.

In other words, Republicans should be panickingor scouting aroundfor another candidate, or both.But they know they have an ace in the hole:the Democratic Party.

To win in 2020,all the Democratsmight need is a capable, relatively uncontroversial candidate within shouting distance of the political center, someone who can be competitive in the key battleground states such as Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. But, at least so far, Democratic votershave beengravitating toward candidates who lack some of thesequalities.

Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders who have led national polls aren't the only hopefuls who deserve consideration.A hint that the field is fluidcame Monday in the form of aSuffolk University/USA TODAY poll of Iowa voters. It showed that PeteButtigieghad moved passed Sanders into third place in the first caucus state. Amy Klobuchar did not see her numbers go up, but the senator from Minnesotahas seen a big fundraisingbump after her favorably reviewed debate performance last week. Several others in the field of nearly 20are plausiblegeneral election candidates.

Bidens experience and decency might well make himthe most electable of the bunch. But his halting performances on the campaign trail and in the debates, coupled withhis fundraising struggles, have party insiders doubting whether, at 76, he meets the capability threshold.

Democratic voting.(Photo: Comstock Images/Getty Images)

ANOTHER VIEW: Betrayed Trump voters want a leader to take USA back from the rich and powerful

Warren and Sanders, the two other septuagenarianswho routinely poll in double digits and have fervent supporters, have espoused massively costly policies on health care and educationthat have little buy-in outside the Democratic Party's progressive wing.

Their hostility to corporations is understandable, considering the damage some companies have done to public health and the environment. Even so,the two senators'anti-corporate mantras have an over-the-top quality that would play into thehands of Trump, who would lovenothing more than to run as the free-enterprise candidate saving the nation from socialism.

Given Trump's abuse of power, chronic dishonesty and incompetence, the stakes in the 2020 election could not be higher.Whats more, the Republican Party'sembrace of Trumpism gives the Democrats the chance to claim the mainstream and become the ascendant party.But for these things to happen, the Democrats would do well to field a candidate who cant be characterized as too far left or too far beyond theirprime.

History shows that polls in wide open primary races often go through multiple phases. At this point in the 2004 election cycle, thetop ratedDemocrat wasHoward Dean.Four years later, Hillary Clinton had a more than25-point lead,while the top Republicans were Rudy Giuliani and Fred Thompson. None of those erstwhile leadershas a presidential library.

Democrats still have time to check outthe field before they settle on Mr. or Ms. Right.

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Donald Trump and Republicans have an ace in the hole for 2020: the Democratic Party - Daily Advertiser

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