California Dem to convention crowd: ‘F–k Donald Trump’ – The Hill

Posted: May 22, 2017 at 4:27 am

California's outgoing Democratic Party chairman reportedly said "f--k Donald TrumpDonald TrumpBilly Bush: 'I didn't have the strength of character' on Access Hollywood tape Cuomo asks Trump for Penn Station emergency funding Sheriff Clarke denies plagiarism report, calls reporter a 'sleaze bag' MORE" from the stage while holding up two middle fingers at the state party's convention this weekend.

The crowd cheered Chairman John Burton, according to The Associated Press.

Outgoing @ca_dem chair @Johnburton gets standing O w final words to his party, finger upraised: "F@ck Donald Trump!"

During the convention, Sen. Kamala Harris also blasted Trump, saying he is putting "Russia first, America second."

Gubernatorial candidate Gavin Newsome, the current lieutenant governor, said California can be the center of liberal resistance to Trump.

The world, literally the world, is counting on all of you, counting on California to reject Trumps deception and destructiveness, Newsom said, according to the AP.

The convention comes as the Trump White House faces a series of controversies.

Additional reports said that during Trump's meeting with Russian officials, he called Comey a "nut job" and said his firing relieved great pressure.

The Justice Department last week appointed a special counsel for the probe into the Trump campaign's alleged ties to Russia and that nation's 2016 election meddling.

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California Dem to convention crowd: 'F--k Donald Trump' - The Hill

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