Democratic lawmaker dismisses GOP lawsuit threat: ‘Take your letter and shove it’ | TheHill – The Hill

Posted: January 18, 2020 at 11:11 am

Rep. Ted LieuTed W. LieuDemocratic lawmaker dismisses GOP lawsuit threat: 'Take your letter and shove it' Democratic lawmaker says Nunes threatened to sue him over criticism Paralysis of nations is empowering cities MORE (D-Calif.) on Friday dismissed what he said was the threat of a lawsuit from fellow Rep. Devin NunesDevin Gerald NunesDemocratic lawmaker dismisses GOP lawsuit threat: 'Take your letter and shove it' House Democrats release second batch of Parnas materials Democratic lawmaker says Nunes threatened to sue him over criticism MORE (R-Calif.), telling a lawyer for Nunes to shove it.

The Democrat shared on Twitter the first page of a letter sent by Nuness counsel and dated Dec. 31 in which the lawyer cited the right to maintainan "unimpaired reputation." The letter was mentioned by Lieuon Twitter earlier this week.

Lieu hinted in his response that the threat centered on his comments tyingNunes to Lev Parnas, a Soviet-born businessman and former associate of President TrumpDonald John TrumpNational Archives says it altered Trump signs, other messages in Women's March photo Dems plan marathon prep for Senate trial, wary of Trump trying to 'game' the process Democratic lawmaker dismisses GOP lawsuit threat: 'Take your letter and shove it' MORE's personal attorney RudyGiulianiwho is at the heart of the impeachment proceedings.

I received your letter dated December 31, 2019 in which you state your client Congressman Devin Nunes will sue me if I dont, among other actions, issue a public apology to Devin Nunes,Lieu wrote in his own letter dated Thursday. It is true that I stated Congressman Nunes worked with Lev Parnas and conspired to undermine our own government.

I welcome any lawsuit from your client and look forward to taking discovery of Congressman Nunes. Or, you can take your letter and shove it.

Attached is the first page of a five page letter in which the lawyer for @DevinNunes threatens that Rep Nunes will sue me.

Attached is my response.

Lieupointed torecent evidence released by the House in its impeachment investigation and Parnas's MSNBC interview earlier this week, noting Parnas and Nunes communicated amid efforts by Trump allies to convince Ukraine to investigate his political rivals.

Neither Lieu nor Nunes immediately responded to requests for comment from The Hill on Friday evening.

Nunes has emerged as one of Trumps top alliesin the House from his perchas the top Republican on the Intelligence Committee, maintaining that the president acted appropriately in his dealings with Ukraine despite testimony from several current and former officials that they were alarmed bythe president's efforts topush Kyiv to conduct investigationsdesired by Trump.

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Democratic lawmaker dismisses GOP lawsuit threat: 'Take your letter and shove it' | TheHill - The Hill

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