Noblett: Health care and social Darwinism – Roanoke Times

Posted: March 27, 2017 at 4:55 am

Prior to the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) it was known that for every one million people who were uninsured, 1,000 of them died yearly due to a lack of health care. This was how the market system factored out of the gene pool those individuals who were developmentally-unfit to care for themselves. Capitalism, through health care, served to make America great again.

In this way American health care is a continuation of that tradition of social Darwinism, begun during those greater-days of the early 20th century. Then, over fifty thousand women, who were legally deemed "feeble-minded," were sterilized under the popular eugenics laws.

Eugenics finally became un-popular in America when it was taken up, with more programmatic ardor, by Adolf Hitler. It seems that Americans found Nazism to be even less attractive than feeblemindedness. A nation of mo

re intelligent offspring did seem desirable, unless they also were unkind and intelligent. So we became more kind... but also weak. The lame were permitted to live. The meek inherited the Earth.

We need not worry about this now. We can repeal this situation. We are free to call "good" that which serves self-interest. There is no Hitler to call us out. If this makes us less human, that is okay. Those voices of the suffering poor, who appeal to our all-too-human sensibilities, will die out in time. This is how it should be. In the end, it is about "winning." Unless, of course, what we become is not worth winning.

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Noblett: Health care and social Darwinism - Roanoke Times

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