Harun Yahya

Posted: November 8, 2016 at 3:43 pm

A9 TV NEW FREQUENCY Satellite: Turksat 3A FREQUENCY: 12524 Vertical West Symbol Ratio: 22500

Conversations with Adnan Oktar

10:00 / A9 TV - En.HarunYahya.TV

First-time explanations by Adnan Oktar

Harun Yahya International Media

Devout Jews must excitedly await the coming of the King Messiah and follow the portents of his coming

The website of the Christian Institute reported that Robert Davis, an education expert from Glasgow University, warned that atheists like Richard Dawkins want to exclude other perspectives and make pressure for a one-sided perspective in the curriculum.

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On 4 January, 2012, the U.S. news portal The Huffington Post carried an article titled Does Islam forbid even studying evolution? Written by Nidhal Guessoum, professor of physics and astronomy at the American University of Sharjah in the United Arab Emirates, the piece dealt with a recent report widely covered in the international media regarding the unwillingness of Muslim students in Great Britain to study evolution.

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It is impossible for the evolutionists to come up with an explanation for the formation of proteins

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ADNAN OKTAR: In Hell, Allah will show darwinists how pathological would the world produced by coincidence be.

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ADNAN OKTAR: We have a worldwide struggle against Darwinism and we have vanquished them completely.

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Since Darwinists are fearful of science, they employ propaganda tactics instead. Darwinists employ a hypnotic technique that prevents people from thinking independently or examining the true scientific evidence. The reason millions of people have been misled by Darwinism for years is that they have, either knowingly or unknowingly, been taken in by this spell cast by Darwinism.

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Probabilistic calculations make it clear thatcomplex molecules such as proteins and nucleic acids (RNA and DNA) could not ever have been formed by chance independently of each other. Yet evolutionists have to face the even greater problem thatall these complex molecules have to coexist simultaneously in order for life to exist at all.

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ADNAN OKTAR: What's important is not dajjal messiah (anti-messiah) but the ideological system of the dajjal which is Darwinism.

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An article by Jaless Rehman was published on the world renowned Huffington Post web site on 1 January, 2011. In that piece, Rehman referred to the influence and importance of the works of the globally esteemed author Mr. Adnan Oktar.

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The Chief Scientist of the Israeli Ministry of Education has been demoted from his post because of his anti-Darwinist thoughts

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Darwinists do not talk about the soul as the soul cannot be explained in materialistic terms.

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ADNAN OKTAR: Even though Darwinists give in to the facts, they can not announce it because they refrain from the public backlash and their methods of escape

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Darwinism, which holds that life has no purpose, is an invitation to suicide.

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There is no evolution in the Qur'an

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