Cryptocurrency Analytic Company: Arbitrage –

Posted: March 8, 2016 at 9:43 pm

We started early stage testing on our system around November of 2013. During the period of November to January our company took on about five clients for our Alpha period. After a successful alpha period, we incorporated in early January as a Delaware C corporation. We then began our beta period, where we have been open to clients for services.Since then we have added 10 more clients, and continue taking on about one client every week or two weeks. We began with one market pair(bitstamp vs btc-e using BTC) and have since expanded our selection of markets to four, with each pair able to connect to each of the other exchanges ( ie bitstamp vs bitfinex, bitstamp vs kraken, ect).

Allow me to answer number 3, which will take care of the Ponzi scheme question. Suffice to say we are MUCH different than any other tradingpool or fund that directly takes BTC from their clients.

Our system was designed by myself to get around a few problems that exist in the field of Bitcoin proprietary trading:

Here is how we address all of those concerns:

The risk factors are holding your BTC or LTC on an exchnage, whichshould be profiled before trusting them. The second risk factor isholding BTC as 50% of your portfolio, which may change in price to thedownside, but may also change in price to the upside. Our trading itselfintroduces no risk as when it buys 1 BTC it also sells 1 BTC. For amarket neutral position. If our models are very off during trading wemay lose money to exchange fees, but our system is designed so that thishas never happened, and foreseeable will never happen.

We are able to consistently execute this strategy because once anaccount is set up we are 100% automatic. Our system is well tested andhas an excellent tech team backing it for great up-time.

Currently we are operational, are taking new clients, and have fourmarket open for trade including Bitstamp, Bitfinex, Btce, and the newlyintroduced Kraken. In our older markets pairs in BTC we have beenshowing between 2-4 % a month from the USD deposited. Our newestaddition has been the same trade in LTC and it has blown by expectationsreturning over 8% in its first month of operations.

Our future development plans include an event that should behappening very soon. We hope to introduce a full client log-in, withpersonalized returns displayed with live data. This already under heavydevelopment and should be released at the end of July. For people interested, you many want to know a minimum of $5000 is required per account. Also, they charge a fee of 20% monthly which is payable via USD or Bitcoin. Do note during their trial period its only 15%.

For more information visit : Source: Bing Images

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