Finding Hope In Cryonics, Despite Glacial Progress – Slashdot

Posted: September 13, 2015 at 8:44 pm

76251363 story Posted by Soulskill on Saturday September 12, 2015 @08:06PM from the have-you-tried-delivering-pizzas dept. biobricks writes: The NY Times covers cryonics and destructive mind uploading, with some news on progress in brain preservation research. Quoting: "Dr. Fahy, a cryobiologist whose research focuses on organ banking, had provided the most encouraging signs that cryonics did preserve brain structure. In a 2009 experiment, his team showed that neurons in slices of rabbit brains immersed in the solution, chilled to cryogenic temperatures and then rewarmed, had responded to electrical stimulation. His method, he contended, preserved the connectome in those slices. But a complication prevented him from entering the prize competition: Brain tissue perfused with the cryoprotectant invariably becomes dehydrated, making it nearly impossible to see the details of the shrunken neurons and their connections under an electron microscope. ... He could fix the brains structure in place with chemicals first, just as Dr. Mikula was doing, buying time to perfuse the cryoprotectant more slowly to avoid dehydration. But he lacked the funds, he said, for a project that would have no practical business application for organ banking." You may like to read: Post

"Dump the condiments. If we are to be eaten, we don't need to taste good." -- "Visionaries" cartoon


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Finding Hope In Cryonics, Despite Glacial Progress - Slashdot

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