Conscious Evolution | CONSTRUCTING A MEMOIR

Posted: February 12, 2015 at 6:42 pm

Human beings construct meaning as spiders make webs. This is how we survive, our primary evolutionary business.- Catherine Bateson The stuff of which humans make meaning is experience, life.-Jack L. Seymour, Margaret Ann Crain, Joseph V. Crockett Conscious evolution is the evolution of evolution, from unconscious to conscious choice. We are poised in this critical moment, facing decisions that must be made consciously if we are to avoid destroying the world as we know it. -Barbara Marx Hubbard

This site chronicles certain steps in my own conscious evolution as a human being on the journey toward maturity. It also presents the story of my own movementfrom the edge of despair to a hope-filled, meaningful, and purpose-filled life, knowing how I consciously can contribute to the ongoing evolution of a more peaceful, thriving Earth community, one day at a time and right where I am.

I hope you will be prompted by this site to begin to embark upon and construct your own story of conscious evolution. May it lead you, too, toward the joy I experience at being part of the great unfolding of Life, despite the many challenges we all face.

My growth continues as my awareness evolves. I will be adding new posts as time allows. To receive email notification of these new posts, click the Follow tab on your screen. Feel free to contact me with any questions or suggestions you may have.

If you enjoy poetry, I invite you to visit and follow my companion poetry site, Pats Harvest.

Again, welcome to the site. Lets keep the conversation, the learning, and our inner growth ongoing!

Pat Bombard

More About the Site

The About menu tababove containsmore on how this site evolved. The dropdownmenu there contains a link to tips on site navigation. To be notified by email of future posts, click the Follow tab at the bottom right of your screen.

The Steps menu tab brings you to a list of topics or social movements arranged in the order that my encounterwith them contributed to my own conscious evolution. I have provided a brief description of each item listed. You can enter the steps in order, or just leap into any step heading that looks attractive.

Original post:

Conscious Evolution | CONSTRUCTING A MEMOIR

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