Barbara Marx Hubbard

Posted: February 13, 2015 at 2:57 pm

Conscious Evolution Awakening the Power of Our Social Potential

Posted on February 04, 2015

Another excerpt from my newly-released book: Conscious Evolution Awakening the Power of Our Social Potential (available for order now at Within the next few decades we can and indeed must discover and commit to an evolutionary agenda and to a universal humanity where our spiritual, social, and scientific and technological capacities are fully activated. We are now in the midst of a global awakening that poses new dangers and new potentials. I believe that we will consciously and ethically learn to use our vast collective powers for the evolution of our species and the birth of a universalRead More

Posted in Barbara Marx Hubbard

Posted on January 16, 2015

The world is moving so fast now it is vital for all of us who are alive to connect to the impulse of creativity, love, deeper connection, to Source, to come together as pioneering souls. The newly developed Sacred Journey of the Conscious Evolutionary 2.0, starting January 20th, is exactly what will help you and all of us to emerge more fully to become co-creators, as our essential selves, our true nature, the divine within. My two colleagues, Patricia Ellsberg and Carolyn Anderson and I with a team of beloved and trained facilitators headed by Bonnie Kelley will beRead More

Posted in Barbara Marx Hubbard, Foundation for Conscious Evolution

Posted on January 12, 2015

Coming up this Wednesday, January 14, 2015,5pm Pacific | 8pm Eastern I will be doing a Live Q & A Call with Stephen Dinan, the CEO of the Shift Network. We will be talking about my new five-month course, virtual journey that begins Tuesday, January 20th. Please join us! Dial (916) 469-4750 and enter the PIN 492071 Or connect to the webcast at Bring your questions and an open heart! In the meantime, you can find out more on the Sacred Journey of the Conscious Evolutionary 2.0 here:

Posted in Barbara Marx Hubbard

See original here:

Barbara Marx Hubbard

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