What to choose the best cloud server? Azure, AWS or Google Cloud! – TechGenyz

Posted: October 20, 2019 at 9:46 pm

Before we decide on What to choose? first, let us know what is Cloud Computing and How it is useful?.

Cloud computing is the term referred to anything that involves host services delivering over the internet. Those services include storage, networking, analytics, servers, databases, etc., Cloud computing can also be defined as delivering computing power (Network Speeds, CPU, Storage OS) over a network.

Example: Azure, AWS, Google Cloud

Nowadays, with an increase in mobile and computer users, data storage has become a very important factor in all the fields. Both small and large scale industries spending huge money on maintaining the data which leads to having a storage hub. It is not possible for all the business industries to invest huge money in back up support services. So, cloud computing came into existence which is very cheap. Later on, with the efficiency in storing data, cloud computing attracts even large scale business industries.

The following are the few reasons why industries choose cloud computing:

Cloud computing allows users to become more flexible. Users can access the files by using web-enabled devices like laptops, smartphones, and notebooks. It increases the ability to share files and documents over the internet. It can support both external and internal collaboration.

Reduction in management issues:

Usually, cloud computation solutions are billed on the go which leads to the management and budgetary issues. Those issues can be minimized by cloud service platforms.


Depending on the IT requirements, cloud computing can easily maximize the magnitude of any operation. Nowadays, many organizations are depending on managed data centers because of the scalability nature in cloud computing. In the data centers, the experts are trained in scaling.

Microsoft Azure, AWS and Google Cloud are the major cloud servers. The features of each cloud service are quite different from the others. It depends upon the requirements of the user to What to choose? Lets discuss each cloud server.

Microsoft Azure was formerly known as the Windows Azure. It is a public cloud platform for Microsoft. It provides cloud services including analytics, computing, networking, and storage.Azure service is good at providing the best answers. Affordable pricing, Flexible billing, and host certifications are the main features of Azure.



Amazon Web Service is referred to as the topmost web service provider in terms of usage. Apart from the offering of content delivery networks to the Internet of Things, AWS came across using hundreds of templates and six payment modes in every programming language.



The public cloud computing platform that is offered by Google is referred to as Google Cloud. It includes many hosted services for storage, Google hardware development, and computing. This platform can be accessed by cloud administrators, software developers, and IT enterprise professionals through the internet. Unlike the other cloud services, Google charges on exact usage. Instead of bills per hour, it charges bills per minute. The service quality is not disruptive in the Google cloud that makes it the most favorite for the developers.



There are a lot of factors to be considered in choosing a cloud computing platform. The first thing is the division of data what to choose and what data to keep after the sorting of data migration. In the case of migration, resource handling and organizational standards should be changed as well. The criteria for choosing Microsoft Azure, AWS, or Google cloud can be varied depending upon the various factors like cost, speed, flexibility, scalability and so on. Depending upon the cloud service specifications and their business requirements, the organizations choose cloud computing platforms.

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What to choose the best cloud server? Azure, AWS or Google Cloud! - TechGenyz

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