CSOP issues first thematic equity product with new Cloud Computing ETF, tracking Solactive Global Cloud Computing Technology Index -Asian Wealth…

Posted: May 16, 2021 at 1:10 pm

Privacy Policy

Hubbis is committed to safeguarding the privacy of our users while providing a personalised andvaluable service. This Privacy Policy statement explains the data processing practices ofHubbis. Ifyou have any requests concerning your personal information or any queries with regard to thesepractices please contact our Privacy Officer by e-mail at [emailprotected]

Our site contain links to third party sites which are not subject to this privacy policy. Werecommend that you read the privacy policy of any such sites that you visit.

Information Collected

We collect personally identifiable information about you (your Data) through:

The elements of your data that we collect may include:

We may also collect information that we request from you regarding your use of our service orthat wecollect automatically about your visit to our sites. Please see our CookiePolicyfor more details.

Use and Disclosure of Personal Information

We use your Data for purposes which may include:

We may also disclose your information to business partners and to third party suppliers we engagetoprovide services which involve processing data on our behalf, successors in title to ourbusiness orin accordance with a properly executed court order or as otherwise required to do so by law. Wereserve the right to fully co-operate with any law enforcement authorities or court orderrequiringor requesting us to disclose the identity or other usage details of any user of our sites.

We also use information in aggregate form (so that no individual user is identified by name):

We use technology on some of the pages of our websites, which may record user movements,includingpage scrolling, mouse clicks and text entered. It will not record financial information such ascredit or debit card details. The data we collect in this way helps us to identify usabilityissues,to improve the assistance and technical support we can provide to users and is also used foraggregated and statistical reporting purposes.

Security Policy

Hubbis has appropriate measures in place to ensure that our users Data is protected againstunauthorised access or use, alteration, unlawful or accidental destruction and accidental loss.UserData may be transferred outside Hubbis to data processors such as fulfilment houses but theywillact only on our instructions to provide the services required.

Transfer of Data

The Internet is a global environment. Using the Internet to collect and process personal datanecessarily involves the transmission of data on an international basis. Therefore, by browsingHubbis sites and communicating electronically with us you acknowledge and agree to ourprocessing ofpersonal data in this way. By agreeing to our transfer of your Data to third party organisationsforthem to send you details of products and services offered (as detailed above) you are deemed toprovide your consent to any transfer of your Data to or within any organisation.

User Access and Control of Data

If you wish to amend any of the Data which we hold about you, or update your marketingpreferences,please contact admin or visit the Contact Us section of our website.

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CSOP issues first thematic equity product with new Cloud Computing ETF, tracking Solactive Global Cloud Computing Technology Index -Asian Wealth...

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