Beware of Facebook ‘cloning’ scam – USA TODAY

Posted: February 6, 2017 at 3:25 pm


Let friends in your social network know what you are reading about

Some hackers steal your Facebook name, add your friends and use your photos to clone your account. Then they use the fake account to approach your friends and family online.

Try Another





A link has been sent to your friend's email address.

A link has been posted to your Facebook feed.

USA Today Network Patrick Wright, WFMY-TV, Greensboro, N.C. Published 8:37 p.m. ET Feb. 2, 2017 | Updated 1:26 a.m. ET Feb. 3, 2017

Facebook is on track to hit 2 billion users this year.(Photo: Loice Venance, AFP/Getty Images)

GREENSBORO, N.C. Most Facebook friend requests come from actual friends, but some are from anonymous people with ulterior motives. Falling for their tricks could cost you.

Some hackers are using a tactic called Facebook cloning. They steal your Facebook name, add your friends and use your photos to clone your account. Then they use the fake account to approach your friends and family online.

"Maybe theyre trying to get you to send them money," said Danielle Hatfield, a social media expert and owner of Experience Farm. "However, other scammers are trying to do something a little more nefarious, and thats steal your identity."

Hatfield said the cloners might even check your statuses to learn to mimic your style of communication.

"When they finally get around to the scam of maybe asking for money, your friends and family will fall for it," Hatfield said.


Facebook on track to hit 2 billion users this year, analyst predicts

Hatfield said that if you come across an account you aren't sure is real, just search it on Facebook to see if you're already friends with that person. If they send you a questionable post or link, give them a call or text message and ask if it's really them. If the account is fake, report it to Facebook immediately.

If your account gets cloned, Hatfieldsaid you should change your password, warn others, and then check your privacy settings to make sure only friends can view your profile.

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Beware of Facebook 'cloning' scam - USA TODAY

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