Why you should go on a child-free vacation – Femina

Posted: June 22, 2017 at 5:20 am

No sending the kids off to school, no demands to be met,and waking up when you feel like, may seem like a distant dream for most parents. Even then, leaving thechildren behind while going on a vacation drowns many parents in guilt. But trust us when we say taking a child-free vacation is not only healthy for your relationship, but is also one favour you must extend to your kid. And thats why you must take cue from Twinkle Khanna and Akshay Kumar, Bollywoods coolest couple who are on a European holiday.

What's more, Twinkle Khanna herself advocates going on a childfree vacation. Check out the picture she posted from her holiday in Paris last month. And dont miss the caption.

And heres why you too should take a break for yourself and your partner.

It keeps frustration from building up: You yelling at the children and they snapping back leads to exhaustion, which in turns leads to more yelling and more snapping back. Take a few days off your duties as a parent to prevent this frustration from building up.

It takes your conversation beyond kids: More often than not, being parents mean your interaction with your partner revolves around your child. Make up for the lost partner time by reliving those old carefree days by talking to, and just about, each other.

It will make you love your child more: Theres a reason why they say happy couples make for happy parents. A relaxed, rejuvenated you will return re-energised to fulfill your responsibilities as a parent.

Makes kids bond with other family members: Asking your parents or siblings to babysit gives them and your child an opportunity to know each other and bond well. This is not only essential as a family, but it also gives your child their first lessons in social interaction.

Teaches kids responsibility: Even though you will ensure a support system to take care of your kid, your absence makes them learn to do little things on their own from putting themselves to bed, to packing their schoolbags, having food on their own, and so on.

Here is the original post:

Why you should go on a child-free vacation - Femina

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