Mr. Brewster Raises $33500 for CF Research – HamletHub

Posted: March 6, 2017 at 3:20 pm

The Mr. Brewster Pageant was held last Friday and it was a tremendous success. The event is host by the S.A.L.T.Y Hands Club whose mission is toraise money and awareness for Cystic Fibrosis research. S.A.L.T.Y stands for Save A Life of Todays Youth. Individuals with CF also often exhibit a salty condition on their skin. For more information about Cystic Fibrosis or help support the efforts to find a cure please visit the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation webpage:

For the Mr. Brewster title, contestant collect donations for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. They earn points for the money they collect. The contestants also receive points from the pageant event. The pageant includes several different activities to test the talents and the ability of contestants to think on their feet. Faculty judges included:, Peter Goumas, Michael Castaldo, Terry Schumacher, and Nicole Vitale Sweeney. The MC for the event was Matt Cunningham. Donna Lieval is the adviser of S.A.L.T.Y Hands Club and Mrs. Ann Marie Chalmers spearheads the activities for the Mr. Brewster event.

Brendan Feehan was crowned Mr. Brewster this year, but everyone involved did a wonderful job with the efforts. The other candidates that participated in the pageant event wereJack Guida, Sean Nevin, Connor Dignan, Sean Kelly, Nathan Beal, Tim Catalano, Ryan Wynne, Austin Kaelin, Ryan Hecht, Chris Zavras, Anthony Aiello and Spence Bera. Other individuals also collected money towards the effort but did not compete in the pageant. $33,500 represents an amazing effort from our group of students and will provide significant assistance toward CF Research.

BHS student Amber Krisch wrote a piece for the Hamlet Hub highlighting the the event. The article can be foundhere.

A complete video of the Mr. Brewster Pageant can be found here.

Hereis a video highlighting Brian McPartland and his activities at Duke University. Brian has CF and graduated from BHS and 2011.

See the rest here:

Mr. Brewster Raises $33500 for CF Research - HamletHub

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