Lat strain abates, Collins to rejoin CF fight soon – Detroit News – The Detroit News

Posted: March 4, 2017 at 1:21 am

Tyler Collins has not played the outfield while recovering from a lat strain.(Photo: Robin Buckson, Detroit News)

Port Charlotte, Fla. It must be driving you loco not being able to participate on defense for two weeks while youre trying to win the center-field job, right Tyler Collins? The waiting, the anxiety, that must be the hardest part.

No, Collins said with a chuckle. The hard part is answering questions from people wanting me to be antsy and me not being antsy.

Two years ago, maybe this mild lat strain would have stressed him. Maybe he would have tried to bull his way through it. Collins isnt that guy anymore.

It is what it is, he said. Theres no point in running around going crazy and then maybe pulling something again trying to get back too soon. Its like, Dude, you can play defense, so just get your at-bats. Youll get back. Youll be fine.

Collins has gotten his at-bats from pinch-hit and designated hitter appearances. He went 0-for-3 with a pair of strikeouts Friday in the Tigers 5-2 loss to the Rays. Hes gotten two hits and knocked in three runs in nine spring at-bats.

And on Thursday he began his throwing program. He has thrown out to 90 feet and on Sunday he is expected to extend as far as 150 feet. If all goes well, he could be reinserted into the center-field mix sometime next week.

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It feels fine, Collins said. Honestly, I dont even notice it during the day. Its just a precautionary throwing program right now. I have full confidence in my ability to play the field. Its all about getting at-bats right now.

Confidence aside, he hasnt played a lot of center field at the major-league level (30 games) and, while manager Brad Ausmus believes Collins has the speed and athleticism to play out there, he needs tangible proof.

We havent had a chance to see him play center field, he said. Im not worried about him being in shape, but I still want to see him play. There is plenty of time. Were not going to rush him and risk long-term injury.

The projection is for Collins, a left-handed hitter, and Mikie Mahtook, a right-handed hitter, to platoon in center field. Left-handed hitters Anthony Gose (hitting .200 this spring) and Alex Presley (.400), and right-handed hitter JaCoby Jones (.333) plus super utility man Andrew Romine (.231) are also getting reps in center.

Theres been so many guys out there, nothings really jelled yet, Ausmus said of the competition. One of the reasons its disjointed is because Tyler hasnt been out there.

Collins, who has toned up his body dramatically from last year and improved his quickness and agility, has come to camp with laser focus. Hes not allowing himself to be distracted by the injury or by the intrigue over the center-field job.

Its spring training, he said. The decisions you guys want me to speak on are not my decisions. So, I am just going to get ready for the season. Ive got games to play and theyve got decisions to make.

Let them deal with their problems; Ill just go play.

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During TigerFest he said he was faster and stronger than he was last year, and he wasnt joking. While doing his normal weight training in the offseason, he also worked with a sports chiropractor on increasing his range of motion and overall mobility.

But the body-toning thats all nutrition.

I started eating better, he said. Ive got a girlfriend who cooks and shes all organic everything and its the best. I dont have to do anything now. She says, You hungry? And Im like, Yeah, Ill eat it.

Because whatever is coming my way is what I need to be eating any way. Shes great.

Ausmus was asked if Collins seemed more calm, perhaps more mature than the past couple of springs.

Yeah, he does, for sure, he said. But I have the right to reserve judgment until we get into the regular season.

With Tyler Collins, the Tigers are taking a Missourian stance show me.

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Lat strain abates, Collins to rejoin CF fight soon - Detroit News - The Detroit News

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