Mum tells how Paisley brothers’ cannabis oil changed her life after years of pain – Daily Record

Posted: March 25, 2021 at 2:40 am

A mum has told how drops of cannabis oil from a company started by two Paisley brothers has changed her life after suffering years of excruciating pain.

Kelly Tweedies agonising ordeal began during her second pregnancy when she developed SPD symphysis pubis dysfunction a condition that causes a debilitating pain in the hips, back and upper legs.

It was so bad, Kelly, 37, spent six months of her pregnancy having to use crutches to get around.

Although for many women the condition improves and disappears after giving birth, Kelly continued to suffer the chronic pain SPD brings for nine years after her son, Alfie was born.

Kelly also has a daughter, Ava, aged 12, but she went through so much pain, it even stopped her having the third child she wanted, as she couldnt bear the agony of severe SPD during pregnancy again.

Neither over-the-counter painkillers, nor stronger tablets that were prescribed by her doctor managed to control Kellys pain.

But that all changed last summer when she started taking half-a-dozen drops of Nutrivive CBD oil under her tongue every day.

Kelly is now free from the pain and has almost completed a training programme that takes her from the couch to running a distance of 5k.

She now even wants to take part in a fun run to raise money for charity.

Nutrivive is a Paisley-based company launched last year by brothers John and Harry McDonough and their premium CBD oil contains cannabidiol, which is the part of the cannabis plant with pain relieving, calming and healing properties.

The oil is legal, safe and non-addictive, as it doesnt contain the THC compound that gives the high associated with smoking cannabis, or taking the drug in other forms. Medical cannabis was legalised in the UK in November 2018.

The Scottish Governments Healthcare Improvement Scotland yesterday announced they have authorised the countrys first medical cannabis clinic, in Stirling.

Kelly, a former midwife explains how the crippling pain from the SPD affected her and how Nutrivive CBD oil has had an amazing effect on her life:

SPD is a condition that is very under-recognised for the amount of pain it can cause.

I was on crutches after being six months pregnant with Alfie. The pain in my hips was unbelievable.

At first I wore a belt during the day to help with the pain, but it got so bad I had no option but to get about on crutches.

My legs wouldnt move like I wanted them to and it would take me ages to do something simple and straightforward as get out of bed.

I would have had another child if it wasnt for the pain I suffered during my second pregnancy.

Its a horrible pain and I wouldnt wish it on anyone. I now wish Nutrivive was around after I gave birth to Alfie.

Kelly continued: Even after Alfie was born, the pain never really went away and sometimes it would be just about bearable and I would put up with it. But whenever Id take part in any physical activity it would flare up again and would last for weeks at a time.

I had physiotherapy, but that didnt cure the problem.

I resigned myself that I wasnt going to be cured of the pain and tried to accept that I had a dodgy hip.

Kelly, from Penilee, found out about Nutrivive through a relative who used their CBD oil.

She said: I did some research and was quite impressed, so I thought I would give it a go.

After a couple of weeks putting half a dozen drops of Nutrivive CBD oil under my tongue, I noticed I wasnt suffering as much pain in my hips. And by the time Id finished my first bottle there was a massive difference and I couldnt wait to order another bottle.

I realised it was definitely the Nutrivive CBD that was making me pain-free because I went for a few weeks without taking the oil and my hip pain came back.

As soon as I started taking the Nutrivive again, the pain disappeared.

That really brought it home to me that the oil was working.

Its massively changed my life and I wouldnt be able to do the things many people take for granted if it wasnt for the CBD oil.

Harry expects his company will be one of the first to be accredited by the Food Standards Agency, which is bringing in new rules later this year to ensure quality standards of CBD products.

He said: Its a fantastic feeling knowing that our CBD oil has made a difference to Kelly and many other peoples lives.

I use it myself and I know first-hand the benefits it brings to me through relaxation, better sleep quality and how it holistically strengthens your mind, and body.

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Mum tells how Paisley brothers' cannabis oil changed her life after years of pain - Daily Record

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