4 Ways To Check If Your Dog’s CBD is Safe And Effective – – VENTS Magazine

Posted: May 16, 2021 at 1:02 pm

Over the past few years, cannabis products and CBD have become increasingly popular. People are using CBD to help with anxiety and inflammation to skin irritation and joint mobility, along with other various ailments.

CBD has also grown in popularity as a supplement for dogs and other pets. Owners have found that CBD helps dogs manage common canine conditions such as separation anxiety, seizures, and phobias to loud noises like fireworks.

With so many pet owners shopping for CBD, its important to stay informed and steer clear of low-quality or fake cannabis products.

Here are four tips to help owners to find safe, legitimate CBD products for their dogs, as well as guidance on how to check if a CBD product is actually working.

When shopping for CBD for dogs, it makes sense to stick to those brands that have proven popular with owners and pups. Picking up a random product from a store counter while waiting in line may seem convenient, but it leaves you with the difficult task of confirming product safety and effectiveness.

Well-known CBD brands always submit their products for independent testing. This means that theyre checked regularly for safety and potency. Results from independent tests should always be available for consumers to view. If a brand doesnt publish test results, its best to avoid them.

Feedback from previous customers and pet CBD review sites is a great way to find the most popular CBD brands out there, and understand how different products compare. There are many brands that work exclusively with dogs, designing their products to meet specific canine needs.

A simple way to cut down on the risk of buying sub-par CBD products is to avoid shopping on Amazon. While the online retail giant is a great way to stock up on home goods or cheap electronics, its not an authoritative place to shop for CBD.

In fact, Amazon directly prohibits the sale of any product containing cannabidiol (CBD) or full-spectrum hemp oil on its marketplace.

Despite these guidelines, thousands of search results still show up when consumers browse for CBD on the Amazon marketplace. This makes it difficult to know exactly what these products contain. Some may be legitimate, while others are likely to contain low or inferior amounts of CBD, making them ineffective.

At worst, unregulated CBD products for dogs may be dangerous. The process of extracting CBD needs to be carried out by professionals in a sanitary lab environment, in order to avoid possible contamination. As a result, owners should always ensure their dogs supplement is produced under safe conditions.

Dogs and humans both enjoy the benefits of CBD, but when it comes to cannabis, not all types are suitable for pups.

The type of CBD thats appropriate for dogs is always made from hemp plants not marijuana plants. This ensures that pet CBD is legal, and doesnt contain significant amounts of THC, which is the compound responsible for causing a high. As long a CBD product is correctly made and contains less than 0.3% THC, it should be completely safe for dogs to consume.

Some types of human CBD oil meet these criteria, so it is possible for owners and dogs to share a CBD product. However, a large number of human CBD products contain substantial amounts of THC, so its vital that owners check the ingredients of any human products carefully before giving them to their pup.

Another difference between human and pet CBD is flavor. Some CBD oils especially high-quality extracts, may have a grassy, hemp-like taste, which can be off-putting to dogs. To counteract this, many pet CBD products use natural chicken or beef flavoring to increase palatability.

Finally, its important for owners to monitor their dogs after CBD supplementation to check for signs that the product is working effectively.

How quickly CBD will take effect depends upon the severity of the condition being treated, the dosage, and the size and weight of the dog. Some owners may see immediate results, such as their dog being more able to deal with loud noises a few hours after supplementation.

For others, results will be subtler and occur over a longer period. For example, dogs taking CBD oil to decrease joint inflammation may find that their mobility increases slowly over the course of a month. To observe these changes, owners should make a note of their dogs condition on the first day of supplementation (e.g. how long it takes their dog to stand up). Then they can check back in on a weekly basis and compare for any improvements.

All dogs are different, and CBD products are made from different strains of the hemp plant. So, what works for one pup may not be effective for others. As a result, it may take owners a couple of tries to find the perfect type of CBD for their dog. If a CBD product doesnt seem to be working, it doesnt necessarily mean that its low quality or fake.

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4 Ways To Check If Your Dog's CBD is Safe And Effective - - VENTS Magazine

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