All inclusive Caribbean trips with nonstop flights hit the vacation spot – The Tennessean

Posted: February 11, 2017 at 8:48 am

All inclusive vacation brochures from Vacation Express.(Photo: Mary Hance / The Tennessean)Buy Photo

If you are a fan of beach vacations and want to know on the front end exactly how much you will spend, an all-inclusive Caribbean trip may be right up your alley.

The reason I am writingabout these now (instead of some other time of year) is that American and Delta airlines currently have nonstop seasonal once a weekflights to Cancun,and tour operator Vacation Express kicks off its 2017 season of Nashville charter packagesin March with nonstop all inclusive service to Cancun, and later to the Dominican Republic, the Grand Bahamas, and Jamaica.

These packaged vacations that you can book on your own or through a travel agent, generally bundle airfare, transportation to your hotel, your accommodations at a fancy beachfront resort, and in most cases all food and drink, plus free nighttime entertainment, at one reasonable fixed price.

Other tour operators like Apple Vacations and GoGo Tours also offer all inclusive vacations, but Vacation Express is the only one currently offering non stop service from Nashville to these Caribbean destinations.

And for my money (and time), the direct service adds to the appeal of these trips.

It is hard to believe that you can get to these exotic emerald water beaches quicker than you could speed your SUV to 30A or the Gulf Shores area.

With some of these packages, you can hop on a nonstop charter flight at 7 in the morning and be on the Caribbean beach by about noon. And the price can be as little as $1,000 per person for a six-night stay, depending on when you go and what kind of resort you choose.

"They are very user friendly," said Genie Herron, whose Herron Travel agency sends dozens of couples and families and other groups on these package trips each year.

"People really seem to like them, because everythingis included," she said. "For the most part, you knowwhat you are going to get."

Herron says the price differences are generally determined bythe quality of the resort. She explained that vacationers can choose their resort based on the star rating system that Vacation Express has, as well as on TripAdvisor reviews and the information that her agency pulls together from their trips and from their other clients' experiences. In most cases, the resort have a base price and then some upgrade options for ocean view, poolside, etc.

Beth Smith, of Southern Cross Travel and Tours in Mt. Juliet, is also a fan of these affordable and predictable vacations. "People really like that the food, and drink and entertainment and non-motorized sports are all included. And there are some resorts where kids can stay in a room for free." Herronsaid the feedback that her travel team gets on these trips is generally positive.

"We try to find out as much as possible about what they want andtry to match the people"with the resorts that have what the amenities they want. She said that some properties are adult-only;some are very family-focused and have more amenities and perks than others."Some offer golf, or casinos, or discos, or scuba or tennis or honeymoon packages." Smith said some of the resorts are divided where there are "adult only"areas and family areas, making them very versatile for destination weddings and other trips that attract groups with a variety of ages and interests. She said the best prices will be before and after the school year, and not in March when so many spring break travelers will hit the beaches. "April and May are good the weather is good and the prices can be better," Smith said.

Donna Lynch, who has just arranged her third all inclusive trip for her family of 18 (three generations rangingin age from 7-71) says compared to their previous beach-house trips to the Gulf Coast, the all-inclusive "is just a whole lot easier.

"With 11 grandchildren, if they want a snack, they just go get it (at the all inclusive resorts). At the beach house, we were making breakfast and then getting lunch ready. It took four cars to get there and when we got there, an $800 trip to the grocery.Thecost (of the all inclusive) may be a little more but it is just easy and the places have been nice,"she said referring to the resorts they have stayed in near Cancun and Punta Cana.

RafaelRoman, business development manager for Vacation Express which has relationships with 600 hotels in the Caribbean, says Nashville is his top market amongthe six states he oversees.

He said the price range is wide - $699 to $2,000 - for a six night stay. "The price really depends on the hotel. The hotel amenities make the difference."

Details of the four Vacation Express direct charter flights from Nashville

Cancun: These all-inclusive packages include air and six nights and run March 12 - August 6 with Sunday departures and Saturday returns.

Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic: These all inclusive packages include air, plus six nights and run May 14- July 30, with Sunday departures and Saturday returns

Grand Bahamas: These packages include air and four nights and the departure return dates vary. Dates include May 29-June 28.

Jamaica: These include six nights and Monday departure dates run from July 10- August 7

Vacation Express is owned by Sunwing Travel Group.Sunwing Airlines, Swift Air and Viva Aerobusoperatethe flights to and from Nashville to these resorts.

Advantages to anall-inclusivevacation:

No financial surprises. You pay on the front end for airfare, hotel, food and beverage and transportation to the resort, so you know exactly what your trip will cost.

The package pricing is definitely a bargain. Many of these packages could be cheaper than driving to the gulf coast for six nights.

It is quick and easy to get there. With these charters and direct flights, you can leave early on a weekendmorning and be on the beach by early afternoon.

Since everything is included, you can put your money and valuables in the safe and move around eating and drinking and taking part in resort activities with no worries about cash for yourself or your children or the people in your group. Even for people who do not drink alcohol, this arrangement can be a deal because you can order unlimited soft drinks, milk shakes, coffees, etc. on a whim all day and night, without spending an additional cent.

No schedule: Many of the resorts have some restaurants that require reservations, but they all have other options, including free room service at some, and restaurants where you could just show up at almost any time to eat. The ones I have visited have a wide variety of choices, and the food has been not exactly gourmet but mostly very good.

The security is generally good because the resorts want to keep out anyone but their guests who have paid.

These all-inclusives offer a great opportunity to be adventurous with the food because it is all included in your price. For example, if you ever wanted to try papaya juice or tapas or paella, or other exotic and different foods or drinks, this kind ofvacationis the perfect time to experiment.


If you are going on anall inclusivevacation, here are some things to know:

You must have a valid passport to go to any of the Caribbean countries featured here. Some countries require that your passport be valid at least six months beyond the dates of your trip.

Don't choose the lowest price package unless you want to be at a resort with other people who pick the lowest end package. (You get my drift?) An extra $100 - $200 on the front end might bump you up to nicer accommodations (and maybe a classier crowd if that is what you want).

Know that your charter all-inclusive Sunday to Saturday trip does not give you an option of returning any time other than the next Saturday. If for some reason, you need to cut your trip short, you would need to fly with a commercial carrier at your additional expense.

Take everything you will need with you. The resort shops may have what you forgot in stock, but their prices probably will be crazy expensive. On our most recent trip myhusband went in search of mouthwash and ended up paying $15 for a small bottle of Listerine in the resort shop. An 8-ounce tube of Banana Boat 15 sunscreen was priced at $40. Yikes! I was glad I had packed plenty of sunblock.

If you want an all-inclusive trip, be sure that is what you book. There are some packages that do not include everything so be sure to double check.

It is probably not best to be on a diet when you go. Although there are plenty of fresh healthy options, the spreads of food, from the lavish breakfast buffet to a variety ofchoices at every other mealand any moment in between, is not conducive to a serious diet.

Do your homework before you book your trip. I would use a travel agent because it does not cost you any more than if you book it on your own, and a good agent knows the properties either personally or through the experiences of clients and colleagues. If you want a romantic getaway, one resort may be better than another, or if you want a family trip, or group reunion, another one might be better suited. Some resorts have better beaches than others, some have fabulous pools while others are more modest. Also most resorts have access (at an additional cost) to excursions, as well as golf, casinos, scuba diving, tennis etc. So check on those amenities if they are important to you.

I also would check TripAdvisor and the resort's website to see details on the property and any other information, such as whether it is family friendly or adult only, and details like tipping, whether currency needs to be exchanged and whether there is a dress code at the restaurants. I also would check weather reports for your planned dates because summer can be brutally hot in some of these places and not all of the common areas are air-conditioned, and of course there is a hurricane season to consider.

Once you are checked in, use the safe in your room. Put everything of value money, jewelry, passports, etc. in the safe and then no worries.

Talk to other guests at the resort when you first arrive to find out about best restaurants and quirky things that most of us don't figure out for a couple of days after we arrive. Plus you get to meet lots of interesting people from all over the world.

Take lots of $1 bills. The hardworking local workers at the resorts we have visited are so pleasant and are super appreciative of any tip.

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All inclusive Caribbean trips with nonstop flights hit the vacation spot - The Tennessean

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