Brexit shambles: How desperate Remainers tried to claim William Shakespeare in EU debate – Express

Posted: May 11, 2020 at 11:49 am

Britons decisively voted Leave in the 2016 EU referendum in a move that clearly upset the status quo. Ever since, various attempts to thwart Britains exit from Brussels have materialised most notably with calls for a so-called Peoples Vote but also in the 2019 general election when the Liberal Democrats campaigned to revoke Article 50. After the referendum, both major parties campaigned on a Leave platform in the 2017 general election and earned over 80 percent of the popular vote.

Then, in the 2019 European Parliament election, Nigel Farages newly-formed Brexit Party won convincingly with 29 seats and 30.5 percent of the vote as the electorate grew increasingly frustrated at the lack of progress being made in Britains withdrawal.

Finally, after Mr Farages success triggered Prime Minister Theresa Mays resignation and Boris Johnson replaced her as Conservative Party leader, the 2019 general election was clearly hinged almost entirely on Brexit.

Mr Johnson won a historic 80-seat majority while Labours Brexit fudge under Jeremy Corbyn reduced the party to its worst electoral performance since 1935.

Yet, still, even after Britains exit from the EU on January 31, some on the Remain side are struggling to accept reality.

Rather than a strict Leave vs Remain argument, the old battle lines have manifested themselves into extension vs no extension as Downing Street grapples with the prospect of leaving the transition arrangement without a deal by the end of 2020.

One example of this apparent failure to accept not just an era-defining referendum but also four years of electoral precedent, is the suggestion found in pro-EU publication The New European that Shakespeare would certainly have been a Remainer.

Writing in April, author Charlie Connelly claimed the world-famous Bard would overtly back the politics of Remain today.

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The companies of the day earned as much of their corn touring abroad as they did treading the boards at home.

There are frustratingly large gaps in what we know of Shakespeares life, long periods in which we have no idea where he was or what he was doing.

Its likely that, certainly in his younger days, he spent chunks of that time trundling around the continent with a bunch of other actors in a cart loaded with props, costumes and bits of scenery.

He also dwelled on how Europe inspired Shakespeare as he pointed out that one of his most famous works, Hamlet, was partly inspired by Denmarks Kronborg Castle.

Mr Connelly added: The roster of Hamlets reminds us of better times, of European integration and the ability we take for granted to wander across continents.

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Brexit shambles: How desperate Remainers tried to claim William Shakespeare in EU debate - Express

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