Bracknell readers send in their letters this week – Bracknell News

Posted: June 13, 2020 at 2:55 pm

Ive just seen a new report (from Best for Britain and the Social Market Foundation) on the double impact of Brexit and Coronavirus, and feel like Ive spotted an iceberg on the horizon that everyone else is ignoring.

The report shows that any change to our trade relationship with Europe during the Covid-19 recession will hurt the UK economy.

All regions of the UK including ours in the South East would face a severe impact should we leave the Brexit transition period without any kind of deal. Brexit is being forced on us, but we must protect our jobs, our services and our local businesses.

However, our communities are already stretched to breaking point by the coronavirus pandemic and we desperately need time to deal with that before we can turn our focus to our changing relationship with the EU.

Terry Enga, address withheld

Carers Week

Monday 8th June marks the start of Carers Week 2020, a week dedicated to raising awareness of the extraordinary efforts and many challenges faced by carers every day around the United Kingdom, made only harder by the current Coronavirus pandemic.

Around 6.5 million people in the UK are carers, and many are solely responsible for the wellbeing of a disabled person who may rely on them completely, sometimes 24/7, and during the crisis many of these carers have had no access to a respite break for nearly three months. I work for Revitalise, an amazing national charity that usually creates holidays for disabled people and carers at three accessible respite centres in Chigwell in Essex, Southampton and Southport. However, during the current COVID-19 crisis, our team is offering their facilities at Revitalise Sandpipers and Netley Waterside House as a place to stay safe either short or long term, for disabled people no longer able to get the care they need at home. Anybody who is worried about whether their care support at home can continue, should contact Revitalise, who are able to offer long or short stays with full care support in place.

Devon Prosser

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Bracknell readers send in their letters this week - Bracknell News

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