Woman thinks camera inside her room captured ghost of her dead cat, netizens have thoughts – Hindustan Times

Posted: June 20, 2020 at 10:06 am

A vide of a cat has now sparked a chatter among people on Reddit. The video is a recording of a room and the original poster thinks that it captures her pet feline Blackjack who died a year back.

Not sure if this can be explained but I caught what looks like my cat Blackjack, who passed away almost exactly a year ago, materialising on our sofa (far left) when I turned the lights on from my phone, they wrote. Then they added that the sofa, where apparently the feline materialised, only had red, grey and cream coloured pillows on it.

The video has now left many confused and several people are sharing varied comments, either to explain that it may be an illusion or to say how they can also see the ghost.

Take a look at the video. What do you see?

Since being shared it has received over 200 comments. There were many who also shared their own paranormal experience involving their pets.

Last year my cat woke me up by carefully stepping on the pillow I was sleeping on. He did that a lot. Wanting to sleep on my head but not wanting to wake me up. The moment his first foot slowly drove into the pillow next to my ear I was wide awake and frozen. When his other foot started pushing down on the other side of my head I yelled out. I had had to put him down a week earlier. Best cat Id ever had. I guess he wasnt ready to leave, wrote a Redditor. To this, the original poster replied, I bet that was a bit of a shock but comforting too that theyre still with us after they pass.

Whatever it is that looks like Blackjack is there the whole time, you can see it before you turn the light on. Due to the night vision of the camera it appears light grey then you see it as black when you turn the light on, wrote an individual. Wow! That is pretty amazing. Definitely a cat head shape with ears, expressed another.

If you zoom in on it, it looks like it could just be a bag of some sort, one Reddit user offered this explanation. Agreeing, another wrote, Yea it was there throughout the whole video as well, it didnt materialize it just turned black when the camera went from night vision to color.

Idk whats wrong with me but its 3:30am and this post made me start sobbing. The idea that your little companion loved you so much that they sit on that couch watching over you and making sure youre okay is absolutely killing me. Im sobbing and I want chocolate pudding, wrote an emotional netizen. To which the OP replied, Aww Im sorry it upset you! But thank you thats such a sweet comment! Have all the chocolate pudding you want!!

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Woman thinks camera inside her room captured ghost of her dead cat, netizens have thoughts - Hindustan Times

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