Reasons You Are Losing at Slots – How to Win More Playing Slots –

Posted: February 18, 2021 at 2:41 pm

Show me a slots player and Ill show you a gambler who loses money. I know you might make a few bucks playing slots from time to time, but the odds are that youre a losing slots player.

The only way for most slots gamblers to stop losing money to the machines is to stop playing on them. Beyond simple playing slots, there are a few other things that are increasing your losses.

Here are six reasons why you lose when you play slots for real money. With these six things you can learn how to change your results at least a little bit.

When youre gambling you should know as much about the odds as you can. This is true whether youre playing slots or any other gambling game. The problem is that the odds arent always easy to decipher, find, and understand.

To help you Im going to show you a few different ways to look at the odds and probabilities for gambling games.

Most people think of odds as something like 3 to 2 or 4 out of 52. 4 out of 52 is how many aces there are in a deck of cards compared to the total number of cards. 3 to 2 is what you get on your bet when you get a blackjack.

When youre gambling its easier to look at odds when theyve been converted to either a return to player percentage of a house edge.

The games with high return percentages or low house edges offer better odds. The return for slots is usually somewhere between 85% and 95%. These arent very good odds.

The fact is that the odds, no matter how you look at them, for slots are bad. You can get better odds playing a wide number of other gambling games. Your best bet is to stop playing slots and play a game with better odds.

With the odds stacked against you when you play slots, the more money that you put in the machine the more youre going to lose.

Slot machines work with a simple concept that guarantees that over time they make a profit for the casino. This simple concept is a built-in edge that the slot machine is programmed to create for the casino.

In this case, it means that when you play $200 worth of spins the machine is going to keep $16. And if you bet more the machine is going to keep more.

You can bet too much when you play slots 2 ways. Youre going to learn more about the second way you bet too much in section 4 below.

In this section, you need to understand that you should risk the smallest amount possible when you play a slots game. The main way to do this is to play on slot machines that have a low cost to play. A machine that you can play for a quarter is better than a machine that costs $1 to play.

Everyone who plays slots games has a budget. Some gamblers have a bigger budget and others have a smaller budget, but everyone has a limit to how much they can lose playing slots.

If you know what your slots budget is and how much the slot machine that youre playing is programmed to keep you can get an idea of how long you can play before exhausting your budget.

For example, if you have a $200 budget to play slots and the machine is programmed to take $25 every hour you play you can play for around 8 hours. But what if you have $400 instead of $200? You can play for twice as long.

This is how mobile slots bonuses and online casino bonuses work. They give you a bigger bankroll so you can play slots longer.

Notice that I didnt say that bonuses help you win. In most cases, slots bonuses dont help you win. They just let you play longer.

The reason why a slots bonus doesnt help you win is because the bonus has rules about how you clear the bonus. You have to do what the rules say, and the rules are designed to make you play for long enough that you lose the bonus before you clear the bonus.

I mentioned that there are two things that you do that make you risk more money than you need to when you play slots in section 2. In that section, you learned that playing on slot machines with bigger bets costs you money.

The second thing that youre doing that costs you too much money when you play slots games is taking too many spins when you play. Every spin you take adds to the amount of money that youre risking.

If youre playing a slots game at $1 per spin and play 500 spins in an hour youre risking $500. But if you play on a machine that has a .25 bet and you play 400 spins in an hour youre only risking $100.

Looking at the example you saw earlier of a machine with a program to keep 8%, you lose $40 every hour when you risk $500, but only lose $8 an hour risking $100.

This shows you how youre risking too much money, and shows you how to make two simple changes to start losing less money when you play slots games. Bet a lower amount on every spin and take fewer spins.

Youve read a couple of examples for a slot machine thats programmed to take 8% of the money the machine takes in bets. This tells you that a machine thats programmed to keep a higher percentage is going to take more of your money and a machine programmed with a lower percentage is going to take less of your money.

Heres the amounts of money three machines with different programs are going to take. In each example, youre risking $200 every hour.

A machine programmed to take 4% is taking $8 every hour.

A machine programmed to take 8% is taking $16 every hour.

A machine programmed to take 12% is taking $24 every hour.

This shows why you need to play slots games that are programmed to take a lower percentage of your bets. The problem is that this isnt easy information to come by.

Do a quick search online to find the slots games that you play to see if you can find the programmed percentages. Then look for information about slots games that are programmed with a high return to player.

In the first five sections of this article, youve learned several different reasons why youre losing when you play slots games. The basic fact is that playing slot machines lead to losing money. Youre not going to find slots games that are programmed to give you back more money than you risk.

The best hope you have is to get lucky when you play slots games and hit a big jackpot. In the long run each slot machine is going to keep the percentage of money that its supposed to keep. But in the short run the percentage the machine keep varies.

If you get lucky and play slots games during one of the times when the machine is returning more over a short period of time you can win. The problem is that its impossible to predict when these times are. This leaves you with hope that you get lucky.

If you want to lose less money gambling, you need to play casino games that have a better return or odds than slots games. I recommend learning more about video poker games and blackjack if you want games with a higher return.

The main problem that creates more losses when you play slots is that youre playing slots. The odds are against you and if you dont get lucky youre going to continue losing.

If you can identify the slots games that offer the best odds it helps you lose less, but youre probably still going to lose. And you make your losses worse when you bet more than you should either by making wagers that are too big and/or taking too many spins.

Look into slots bonuses that are offered by mobile and online casinos to help offset some of your slots losses.

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Reasons You Are Losing at Slots - How to Win More Playing Slots -

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