Neighbours Spoilers Shane is shot as Hendrix’s gambling problem spirals – Back to the Bay

Posted: January 5, 2021 at 2:21 pm

On next weeks Neighbours in Australia, Hendrix is in serious trouble and resorts to extreme measures to protect himself. Yet his plan backfires, quite literally, as Shane ends up getting shot.

These episodes air in Australia from Monday 11th January, and in the UK four weeks later from Monday 8th February.

In episodes airing this coming week in Australia, Hendrix (Benny Turland) loses Number 24 to criminal Kane after yet another blackjack bet gone wrong. He was simply trying to win enough to reduce his debt, and when he gets the chance to split his hand and ends up with 18 and 19 (two fairly strong hands, for the blackjack uninitiated), Kane offers him a deal.

If Hendrix wins this hand, his debt is wiped in its entirety but if he loses the hand, Kane gets Number 24. In an idiotic move that puts two Ramsay Street residents life in danger, he agrees to the bet. Moments later, as Kane deals the cards, he loses.

Of course, the major problem is that he doesnt even own the house Pierce signed it over to Chloe shortly before leaving and now Hendrix is in serious trouble.

Next week, owing Kane thousands of pounds, and a house, and with his previous death threat still fresh in his mind, Hendrix is terrified and fearing for his life. He figures he needs to protect himself from Kane, and in a moment of madness he steals a gun from another of the blackjack players.

He confides in Jay Rebecchi (Dhruv Malge), who freaks out about what Hendrix has done. He understands that Hendrix is in trouble, but knows a gun certainly isnt the way to solve things, and could land Hendrix with some serious time behind bars if he ever came to use it.

Managing to talk him out of using it, their next problem is how to dispose of it. Just as theyre discussing things at the Kennedy house, Bea and Levi arrive home. Thinking on his feet, Jay quickly heads to the garden and stashes the gun in Karl and Susans pizza oven.

Of course, pizza is just what Bea and Levi fancy for dinner! As the boys try to convince them to get a Thai takeaway instead, Bea heads to the garden and turns on the oven!

A few minutes later, the heat of the oven causes the gun to discharge, causing an explosion and a bullet to fly through the air. It hits Shane in the thigh, and he needs to be rushed straight to surgery. As if poor Shane hadnt had a hard enough time the last few months.

Thankfully Shanes injuries dont turn out to be life threatening, but the scare seriously shakes Jay up. He keeps making screw up after screw up, and this one could have cost his dad his life. He wants to turn things around, so decides to confess everything about the blackjack games to Shane and Dipi.

When the two parents discover what Jay has done, Shane realises he has no choice but to put his family first.Unfortunately for Amy Greenwood (Jacinta Stapleton), Shanes accident has left her on the outside. His whole family have rallied around him, including Dipi, and suddenly shes all but forgotten about.

At the tail end of next week, she makes a misjudged attempt to offer her support. She gives Jay some advice about facing his mistakes, but when Dipi finds out that her husbands new lover is giving her son advice, she isnt best pleased.

The troubles for Hendrix dont end there. He confesses everything to the police, as well as to Harlow. Understandably,shes livid at what her boyfriend has done. Shes torn, as she really loves Hendrix and wants to support him, but its far from the first misstep hes made, and this one is pretty hard to forgive.

She had no idea about his gambling, let alone about how much danger hes found himself in.

Shes so overwhelmed by the bombshell that she doesnt notice the danger lurking around the corner. As shes out walking alone, a white van pulls up behind her. Before she can even react, shes grabbed by a masked figure and pulled into the van.

Eventually, Yashvi manages to track down Kane but theres no sign of Harlow, and Paul and Terese are getting increasingly worried that Kane has something to do with her disappearance. Will Yashvi manage to get the truth out of him before its too late?

Monday 11th January (Episode 8533)

Des and Sheila stage a fake relationship to try and uncover the truth about Clives feelings for Jane.

Fearing for his life, Hendrix steals a gun from one of the blackjack players, with a petrified Jay hiding it in the Kennedys pizza oven.

Shane and Amy try their best to date without offending Dipi, but when Ned reveals his concerns for Jay, Shane puts his family first.

Tuesday 12th January (Episode 8534)

After the sudden explosion, its revealed that the bullet shot through Shanes leg and when Jay confesses, Shane and Dipi are unsure about who their son has become.

Amy is thrown to find out about Shanes injury but finds herself on the outer as his family rally around him.

Hendrix comes clean to Harlow, Chloe and the police.

Wednesday 13th January (Episode 8535)

Nicolette is paying the price for getting involved with Kanes illegal activities, leaving Aaron and David frustrated by her lack of judgement.

Hendrix frets for Harlow, who hasnt been seen or heard from by anyone all morning.

Thursday 14th January (Episode 8536)

Kyle learns that the judge for the Best Dish of Erinsborough has been poisoned, soon realising that Roxy picked death cap mushrooms for his dish.

Paul and Hendrix butt heads as Nicolette decides to talk to the blackjack gamers to see if anyone knows anything about Kane and Harlow.

Friday 15th January (Episode 8537)

Sheila feels terrible for her part in the breakdown of Dess friendships with Jane and Clive.

Dipi withdraws her nomination for Best Dish of Erinsborough when she learns that Kyles dish is a tribute to Gary.

In an attempt to offer her support, Amy gives Jay advice about facing his mistakes, which backfires when Dipi finds out about the conversation.

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Neighbours Spoilers Shane is shot as Hendrix's gambling problem spirals - Back to the Bay

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