Starbucks customer says ‘F— Black Lives Matter’ when asked to put on mask | TheHill – The Hill

Posted: October 20, 2020 at 6:20 pm

A Starbucks customer in San Diego said "F--- Black Lives Matter" to a Black barista when asked to put on a mask Saturday.

The barista, 19-year-old Alex Beckom, spoke out about the incident that took place in Santee Saturday, 18 miles northeast of San Diego, local NBC affiliate KNSD reported.

"I'm Black in America, so I've dealt with these kinds of situations before, so I am able to stay calm and collected in these types of situations because I don't want to risk my job," Beckom said in an interview with the station.

Footage from the incident shows a disgruntled customer with her mask at chin-level standing next to the coffee bar, as Beckom requests the woman to wear her mask the next time she enters the store.

"When you talk to me like that, I know it's because you're discriminating against me because I'm a Trump supporter," the customer says. "F--- Black Lives Matter. I need a straw."

A white female disrespects a black barista after she asks her to pull her mask

Beckom handed the customer a straw, saying, "Here you are."

"Thank you," the customer says. "And I need sugar, too, please, the raw sugar, like, two packets, please."

As Beckom grabs the sugar, she reiterates that the woman customer should wear her mask the next time she visits the store.

"It's not a law," the customer said in a louder volume. "It's a hoax, I don't have to wear a mask, I'm not going to wear a mask," she shouts. "This is America. I don't have to do what you say! Trump 2020!"

As the customer walks out, Beckom adds, "You need leave, thank you." The customer then leaves, but not before yelling through a cracked door "F--- Black Lives Matter" another time.

KNSD reported the customer repeatedly took down her mask to speak to another shop barista.

Beckom said when she asked the woman to keep a mask on in the store, she at first complied but later took it off.

"Even the president got [COVID-19], so I don't understand how now it's something that's turned into such a them or me situation when it should be everyone coming together to make sure we all don't get sick or get hurt," Beckom added.

Starbucks released a statement condemning the behavior of the customer, saying, "This behavior is not welcome in our stores," adding, "Our focus right now is providing support to our partner who demonstrated tremendous composure during a very difficult interaction."

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Starbucks customer says 'F--- Black Lives Matter' when asked to put on mask | TheHill - The Hill

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