BTC-E | Bitcoin Exchange, Namecoin Exchange, Litecoin …

Posted: August 24, 2015 at 9:44 pm

salimkhan215: this is the end my friends, we all gonna be poor forever, global poverty

Birddog: can we get a 5 minute pause?

CerebralEdge: sub 1300

katarbit: trollbox lag is the best panic indicator

CaptainClaw: We can have a minutes silence for bitcoin, who died today.

salimkhan215: ...

Ghepetto: clear

latch: looks like I joined in 2013

CerebralEdge: "and here lies bitcoin, preceded by noone, may his life be remembered for all the pain it caused trolls"

dxchid: 0-0

tannu_tuva: if I was a whale my dick would be hard as a rock right now

katarbit: bitcoin didnt die yet its on life support

CaptainClaw: You all disgust me.

Blackfriar: lol

Mewtwo: I agree with CaptainClaw

dxchid: CaptainClaw, But me the most, right?

salimkhan215: whales dont have dicks

nsalekz: Time for a dive

CerebralEdge: ded

CaptainClaw: dxchid, I expected more from you.

dxchid: yay!

Birddog: buy bitcoin they said, it will make you rich they said

salimkhan215: $195 incoming, this is the best night ever

CaptainClaw: the moon they said

katarbit: whales are doing the farts bubbles of joy

latch: salimkhan215 they have the biggest ones

latch: big as a car

Azaramus: Birddog, depend what side your on

CaptainClaw: The moon was just a lie we came up with to trick the noobs

bitcoinminer2012: giant whale dorks for everyone

Birddog: it will be as revolutionary as the Segway they said

Azaramus: buy cheap sell high or buy high sell low '

LiteCoinsOutlook: Bitcoin is the new Segway lmao

salimkhan215: i keep selling bitcoin but they keep selling it back to me

dxchid: CaptainClaw, You always troll hard. I will try harder. You're right.

KenCurtis: Whales have mudd butt

CerebralEdge: its only cheap until its cheaper

maxcarjuzaa: once this little thing starts to go up it will go up fast! but in the meantime it could go really low

jteg86: its reached low

bitcoinminer2012: let's play btc limbo

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