Letters: Guaranteed income guarantees sloth. | The Province – The Province

Posted: June 5, 2017 at 7:21 am

Protesters gather outside the Balmoral Hotel on East Hastings Street in Vancouver on May 30 to vent against the living conditions of the tenants. Jason Payne / PNG

Re: BIG idea: How basic income could improve health, Opinion, June 2.

The Basic Income Guarantee is a great way to foster dropping out of school and quitting your job. Or better yet, working under the table and supplementing your cash income with a BIG allowance.

Nowhere does Rosana Salvaterra suggest that this free cash would have a time limit, so why would anyone want to work for anything near minimum wage, even at $15 per hour when they can stay home and get paid, no questions asked?

What these so-called experts who promote the benefits like improved health care under this plan never provide is the answer to who will pay for this when we have several million Canadians sitting at home waiting for their cheque?

I know my health will improve when I can sleep in and then stroll down to the pub and buy a pint with all of that free money rather than putting in a hard-days work. After all, it has been proven that lots of sleep benefits your health.

Perry Coleman,Delta

Action, not crocodile tears, needed to deal with slumlords

Re: Frustrated tenants storm city hall. Disgusting: Residents claim Balmoral Hotel has been declared unsafe, but owners have done nothing to fix it, June 2.

Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson needs to know people want action, not his crocodile tears pretending he cares. The Sahotas have been allowed to continue running their Downtown Eastside hotels into the ground and treating the people who live there like garbage.

Last time there were stories regarding this family and its pathetic treatment of people, I can remember Robertson saying he would have repairs done and bill them to the Sahota family. So much for that idea.

Robertson is allowing them to run buildings into the ground, so they can be declared unfit, then everyone will he evicted and theyll tear them down and put in more pricey shoeboxes, making that family extremely rich.

Shawn Storey, Surrey

Losers want to change the rules

Here we go again. It seems it doesnt matter if its ping-pong, football or politics, once the competition is over the losers want to change the rules.

Our forefathers left us living in the best province in the best country under our present electoral system. Now, these perennial losers want to change the rules. We cant allow this to happen.

Alvin Towriss, Hope

Prince Rupert a better place for pipeline terminus

The big news of the day now seems to be stopping the Kinder Morgan pipeline expansion to Burnaby. Everyone Ive talked to agrees that the pipeline is important for Canada, but not to a final destination in Burnaby.

Prince Rupert is the logical place that we all agree on. Cant these government people realize that we already have cargo ships from around the world, cruise ships, local ferries, seaplanes, company and private yachts, tugs with log booms, etc., plying Vancouver Harbour, to say nothing about even more traffic in the Juan de Fuca Strait heading to Seattle as well as Vancouver and up the Inside Passage.

Prince Rupert has a straight outward passage to the open Pacific Ocean.

John Hyndman, Langley

Eviction washeartless

Re: Orphaned Abbotsford siblings given eviction notice, June 1.

The landlords eviction of this family after the year they have endured is despicable and heartless. The rent is being paid, so its hard not to think that their ruthless decision is based on renting it out for more money than concern for their coming family.

Hopefully, with The Provinces coverage of this familys plight, a landlord with heart and soul will come forward with a new place for them to live.

Tom Gray, North Delta

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Letters: Guaranteed income guarantees sloth. | The Province - The Province

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