The Truth About Bankruptcy |

Posted: May 3, 2017 at 8:36 pm

You did everything you could to avoid it. You cut back on spending. You sold stuff to make payments. Youve been eating peanut butter and jelly. But even with all the work, youve come to one painful conclusionyou may need to file bankruptcy.

There are some things you need to know before you take that first step. We want to help you find those answers.

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When you file for bankruptcy, youre telling the court that you cannot pay your debts. Its a process set up through federal laws. It cancels many of your debts so you can get a fresh start. However, it also allows creditors (people you owe money to) to get a share of any money the courts require you to pack back.

When you file for bankruptcy, creditors have to stop any effort to collect money from you, at least temporarily. Most creditors cant write, call or sue you after youve filed. Bankruptcy can also stop foreclosure on your home, repossession of property, or garnishment of your wages.

There are two main types of bankruptcy for consumers. Youve probably heard of them:

Youve probably heard of other types of bankruptcy, like Chapter 11. Its typically reserved for business. You may also hear of Chapter 12 bankruptcy, which is for farmers and fishermen.

For specific information about bankruptcy laws in your area, visit the United States Courts website. There youll find information on the process and where to find help in your area. There is a bankruptcy court for each judicial district in the US90 districts in all.

Filing for bankruptcy is a big deal, so you dont want go in blind. Here are some things you need to do before you take any action:

If your family decides to file bankruptcy, well be here to help you during the process and give you the tools to restore your hope after your bankruptcy is discharged. Well never get angry with someone for filing bankruptcy. Its a difficult, emotional situation. We get that.

If you havent filed yet, we have coaches available to meet with you and work with you to find a better option than filing if at all possible.

Our ultimate goal is to help you find financial peace and change your family tree. Bankruptcy is a setback, sure. But your situation, no matter how bad, is never hopeless.

Let us help.

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The Truth About Bankruptcy |

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