Letters: Whiting bonus pay amid bankruptcy hard to digest; Thankful for the photographers; For some, this is not just a hobby (4/7/20) – The Denver…

Posted: April 7, 2020 at 3:50 pm

Whiting bonus pay amid bankruptcy hard to digest

Re: Denver-based Whiting Petroleum is bankrupt, April 2 news story

The Denver Post recently carried an article about Denver-based Whiting Petroleum that announced it was bankrupt and would now file for bankruptcy. We are sorry to hear that about any company in Colorado. But what do you suppose the board of directors of that cooperation did. You guessed it. The board approved about $14.6 million in bonuses and incentives to the top executives, including roughly $6.4 million for the CEO of the corporation, Bradley Holly.I was surprised about such actions. Are you?

Bernard Kinnick, Greeley

As a shareholder of Whiting stock, I am extremely disappointed to see the amount of money the board of directors walked away with. I own $160,000 of now worthless stock. I have held on to this stock for years, thinking it would come back as the oil patch has always been cyclical. This was a substantial chunk of my retirement money. I would accept this as part of the risk of investing, but when I see the board took $14.6 million in bonuses and incentives, including $6.4 million for Whiting chairman Bradley Holly it makes me sick to my stomach. I hope you choke on your caviar and veal while I dine on ramen noodles for having faith in your company.

Mark Gorde, Aurora

Thankful for the photographers

Re: Elsa out for a stroll, April 6 photo and Lifes big moments , April 5 photos.

Thank you, Helen H. Richardson, Denver Post photographer, for your enchanting picture of 5-year-old Princess Elsa in her tiara and mask. She is taking a stroll outside, hand-in-hand with her dad, also masked and carrying the young girls Elmo doll. This was a day-brightener for me and many others, needed at this time in our lives. Helen is one of the many Post photographers adding richness to its daily publication.

A photo brings a news story to life. And sometimes a photo is the story. Another example is the sad/joyful story of the Freed twins in the Sunday paper, with photos by Andy Cross.

The names of the Denver Post photographers are credited after their pictures. A big shout-out to them. The photos add spice to an excellent publication.

Virginia L. Wielgot, Aurora

For some, this is not just a hobby

Re: Pinched by shutdown orders, Hobby Lobby closes stores, April 4 news story

I understand that we in Colorado must do everything we can to protect all from the COVID-19 virus. However, I would like to express that I am very disappointed and frustrated that Hobby Lobby has been considered a nonessential business and has been ordered to close. I have a home business that requires many supplies from my local Hobby Lobby. This week, I have converted my efforts to making cloth face masks for the public and to donate to any medical providers in need. I can no longer acquire the supplies (fabric, elastic, thread, etc.) to make these.

Another negative aspect of this closure is the inability of families to procure materials for homeschooling. Yesterday I saw a mother in our neighborhood with young children working on an outdoor project that required materials available at Hobby Lobby. There are also artists who can no longer obtain supplies there for their professions. Also, in the midst of this shutdown, we all need to keep productive and busy at home in order to stave off boredom and depression. Please reconsider this closure, as I and many others believe strongly that this business is essential to quality of life in our communities.

Diane Siegle, Longmont

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Letters: Whiting bonus pay amid bankruptcy hard to digest; Thankful for the photographers; For some, this is not just a hobby (4/7/20) - The Denver...

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