Bahamas Well Represented at NY Times and Boston Globe Travel … – South Florida Caribbean News

Posted: February 22, 2017 at 4:34 am

Bahamas Teams Brave Acute Winter Weather To Take Part In Travel Shows

NEW YORK Low Winter temperatures, a snowstorm and blizzard, was not enough to stop the Bahamas Ministry of Tourism Managers, as well as its Hoteliers and representatives from their Promotion Boards attendance, at the recent New York Times and Boston Globe Travel Shows.

Their collective participation provided an impressive representation for The Islands Of The Bahamas.

During the weekend of the recent New York Times Travel Show, temperatures dipped into the 30s.

The Boston Globe Travel Show took place the week that city experienced first a snow storm, a blizzard and then temperatures that dipped to wind chill factors as low as 13 degrees below zero.

In both instances, teams representing The Bahamas welcomed Travel agents, media and consumers to their booth to provide them with information on the Sunny Bahamas as an alternative to the north east coast winter weather.

Thirty thousand plus persons attended the New York Times show, which is touted as the largest consumer travel trade show nationally. The shows exhibitors featured 560 companies representing 170 destinations vying for a piece of the pie of the multi billion travel industry.

The Boston Globe Travel Show also saw a reasonably good number of both travel agents and consumers who braved acute winter conditions to attend.

At The Bahamas booth in both cities, consumers were updated on new developments in The Bahamas.

Travel Agents were assured of The Bahamas commitment to their profession that is evidenced in the countrys signature agents tools including a monthly Bahamas Travel Agents Newsletter and the recently unveiled Bahamas Specialist Program through the Travel Agent Academy.

Bahamas East Coast Area Manager, Mikala Moss also updated those agents that attended the Boston Globes Round Table discussions.

The Out Island Promotion Boards booth featured a special consumer offer to The Islands Of The Bahamas a limited time offer of Two Fly Free to an Out Island, from the city of Nassau, Bahamas.

Mikala Moss, Bahamas Ministry of Tourism, East Coast Area Manager, led the Bahamas team in both cities with Chrystal Bethel, Sales Manager New York.

Edward Archer, General Manager, Atlanta and Judy Pratt, Sales Manager, Florida assisted the New York team at the NY Times Show.

In Boston they were assisted by Jeannie Gibson, Manager, Global Communications Florida.

Partners at the Bahamas Booth in both cities included The Nassau/Paradise Island Promotion Board; The Grand Bahama Island Tourism Board and the Bahamas Out Islands Promotion Board. Hotel partners included Breezes, Nassau, Bahamas.

L-R: Mikala Moss, Bahamas Area Manager, East Coast; Loreal Sweeting, Bahamas Out Islands Promotion Board; Everald Christie, Breezes Resort, Nassau Bahamas; Donna Munroe Isidora, Grand Bahama Tourism Board; Mary DiPasquale, Nassau/Paradise Island Promotion Board; Jeannie Gibson, Bahamas Tourism, Global Communications; Chrystal Bethel, Bahamas Marketing Manager, New York and Carmel Churchill, Grand Bahama Island Tourism Board.

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Bahamas Well Represented at NY Times and Boston Globe Travel ... - South Florida Caribbean News

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