Voices for Reason Blog | The Ayn Rand Institute

Posted: November 10, 2016 at 5:42 pm

POST by The Editors| View all Posts November 09, 2016

Thanks to our contributors, ARI is able to show students how Ayn Rands ideas can empower them to live free and thrive in a big way.

In this episode of The Yaron Brook Show, Yaron Brook comments on the unusually intellectual response to his talks in Europe and illustrates how philosophy shapes history, particularly the positive impact of Aristotles ideas. Also, Brook discusses why he wont debate Stefan Molyneux, the political and economical state of Greece, race realism and free will.

The rich are getting richer in a system rigged in their favor. True or false? Hear two sides of the economic inequality story in the upcoming debate between Yaron Brook, ARI executive chairman, and Jonathan Haughton, Beacon Hill Institute senior economist.

The 2016 Ayn Rand Student Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, is about to begin.

Why is voter rage so rampant? What has brought out this ugliness and hate? How can you exercise your rights and keep out of the emotionalism plaguing America?

Join Tara Smith, ARI board member and professor of philosophy at the University of Texas at Austin, for a panel discussion of her latest book Judicial Review in an Objective Legal System.

This talk examines the development, operation and performance of monetary systems in the absence of government intervention. Topics covered include the spontaneous evolution of money, the rise of banks, bank self-regulation under competition and crisis management in the absence of a central bank.

What exactly is globalism? Are trade deals like NAFTA desirable? Should one go into politics? Is tuition-free college education a good idea?

What do you call a payment of money for the release of a prisoner? Yes, its a ransom. But not if the recipient is Iran. That, the Obama administration calls a triumph of diplomacy.

It looks like the upcoming 2016 Ayn Rand Student Conference is going to be the largest student Objectivist conference ever. The conferences theme is free will. But what exactly is free will? Does it even exist? How do you know? Whats the Objectivist perspective? And what implications, if any, does it have for how you live your life?

See the article here:

Voices for Reason Blog | The Ayn Rand Institute

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