I can think of few entities that Trump has not offended. His targets have been women, veterans (and true war heroes), the press (which is what makes us a free and open country), his own judges and lawmakers, many religions and cultures, world leaders, and by his actions, the poor. He signs executive orders like he is a dictator. He consults few and listens to none. Trump is not well-spoken, he is crass, and either unbalanced or not very intelligent. What has happened to my country?
We the people have elected our President, instead of picking between two selected by our ruling elite in D.C. This has been a start to reestablish our Republic. Term limits are necessary, because if politicians stay long in the swamp they love the rich life and never want to leave, they forget we the people.
All our distress over health care reform and Trumps tweets are simply distractions preventing us from recognizing Trumps actual agenda of enriching himself at our expense.
The First Amendment Establishment Clause was intended by our forefathers to prevent religious persecution from a tyrannical government, not to remove all references of God and Christianity from our schools and other public places.
Make America Great Again was nothing more than a fake promise. It was only to get people pepped up and to get votes, not help people keep their insurance or Medicaid.
Senator Joe Manchin, a Democrat, submitted a bill that would improve the Affordable Care Act, which is also known as Obamacare. However, because Republicans control the Senate, it is unlikely that Joes bill will ever be allowed to come up for a vote. The GOP is all about cutting taxes for the rich. They dont care about people like you and me.
Yes millions suddenly received health care with Obamacare. Nothing is free. Somebody is paying for it one way or another.
Speaks volumes. Prius with Hillary/COEXIST stickers on bumper. Loaded down with few hundred pounds of mulch bags. Broke down along the road.
Yes the budget cuts are going to hurt across the board. Everybody has a favorite program or department that it will be the end of the world. Heres a suggestion. Run for office. Get elected. Then use your genius IQ to pass a better plan.
There was a story in todays Gazette-Mail about a wrestler with the name Progressive Liberal. If Trump wanted a match he should challenge the guy. Then when the President loses he could wear the crybaby diaper. Appropriate.
We saw today that President Trump is re-working an old wrestling video to get his point across about the press. I cant wait to see how he re-works the Access Hollywood video with Billy Bush...I wonder what point he will be trying to make with it? Its hard to grab things with such small hands.
I like Ric Cavenders (Director of Charleston Main Streets) article espousing all of the efforts to improve Charleston with an eye on making it the NEXT Charleston. There are indeed good things happening and good plans for future improvements. What no one talks about, and what bothers me working in Charleston, is poor air quality. Much better than 30-40 years ago, but still very bad.
Great story about housing for the homeless in Sundays paper. Rep. Mooney didnt do his homework before signing a letter that would hurt homeless veterans and others.
Enough with the sky is falling comments from the unhinged left. If millions are going to die because of GOP repeal of Obamacare. Were they dying before Obamacare? Millions of deaths. Thats an epidemic. Genocide. Where were the news reports and warnings then?
George Will said before expensive modern medicine when someone got run over by a wagon they went home to be cared for by their family, and died quietly. Is he saying if you get run over by a bus and cant afford the bill its family time? Paul Ryan (via Ayn Rand) says it is more important to give big tax breaks to small business owners who live like millionaires and complain about paying minimum wage than to provide minimum wage earners with necessary medical care. That is the job of families.
The fascists in the White House need to understand this is a democracy (actually a federal republic), we dont want a dictator.
Readers Vent: July 3, 2017
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- Ayn Rand | American author | Britannica.com [Last Updated On: July 8th, 2016] [Originally Added On: July 8th, 2016]
- The Fountainhead - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [Last Updated On: July 8th, 2016] [Originally Added On: July 8th, 2016]
- Frequently Asked Questions | The Ayn Rand Institute [Last Updated On: July 14th, 2016] [Originally Added On: July 14th, 2016]
- Ayn Rand - Uncyclopedia - Wikia [Last Updated On: July 31st, 2016] [Originally Added On: July 31st, 2016]
- Ayn Rand's Ideas - An Overview | AynRand.org [Last Updated On: August 16th, 2016] [Originally Added On: August 16th, 2016]
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