The Atlas Shrugged Experiment: This Culture War is Really About Greed – Daily Kos

Posted: July 14, 2024 at 12:57 am

What very few in MSM seem comfortable communicating is that this contemporary culture war, that is supposedly defined by Project 2025 and the Trump candidacy, is in reality an attempt by the ultra-rich that will be ultra-powerful to institutionally throw off, through their bought out proxies, the costs to them and the restraints upon them imposed by constitutional democracy and its peaceful ordering of society through the rule of law that is not only accessible to all but is alsojustly applied to all.

This is why Biden is their enemy. He fully manifests the virtues of democracy. As a result, he represents a cost factor on the personal financial ledgers of the ultra-rich.

Therefore, if there is a suggestion of Biden's slightest misstep (a stutter, a cold, a bad camera angle) it is reported, amplified, even manufactured by the owned MSM as clear evidence of unfitness.

Meanwhile, Biden's opponent is a monster whose slightest actual deed would have ended Joes presidency. Biden's opponent is an endless offense to humanity, democracy and the presidency. Bidens opponent is old, overweight and a painted-coiffed pile of unstable physical-spiritual-mental ill health. In all of these instances, he is given a pass by the owned MSM.

Why? It's transactional. Bidens opponent will give the ultra-rich a huge tax cut, will relieve Big Oil of the financial burden of ceasing its world destroying business, will diminishthe costs of an aging population, will strip bare the aspirationsof new generations, will blunt the threat to the autocratic rule of the hundred-or-so that is posed by humanitarianism (including reproductive rights) and multiculturalism (including BLM), will repurpose the legal apparatus that holds the corrupt accountable, will remove restraints on foreign bad actors that are either of service to billionaire gangsters here or are too costly to stop there, etcetera, etcetera, and so on and so forth for the new fascist state of Amerika.

In brief, democratic civilization costs the ultra-rich more than they care to invest in, now that they are the ultra-rich and now that they have the candidate and the means to become the fascist cloaked ultra-powerful.

The day the CBS newsroom became a commercial zone, and the Fourth Estate started its free fall into the disastrous Murdoch News-Entertainment era, we as a nation started our slide into where we are now: a species seeking information about where itcan find the most efficient routes to self-stimulating their nervous systems via the psychologically hottest click-bait.

By this writing, I also accuse all the ultra-rich that go along to get along within their exclusive club. I also accuse all the advantage seeking, hand wringing, privileged White boys and girls in democratic circles. The Congressional Black Caucus is not going anywhere are they? We know why.

In the final analysis, this whole Atlas Shrugged experiment is a corruption game that our president, Joe Biden, does not play. He and his true allies, that include us the Blue Wave that he keeps riding to victory, will glide over his opponent and all the gangster billionaires and their bought out whores this Fall.

Biden will endure in excellence for democracy and The People for another four years. But let me pose another not so subtle reason why Bidens re-election is being so unjustly opposed by so many that might not even be billionaires, might not even be Republicans; a very bright and capable Non-White woman waits in the wings.

The Non-White male president. The old man president. The Non-White female president. True Blue Democrats. One after the other. Can you imagine?

Yes, I can.


The Atlas Shrugged Experiment: This Culture War is Really About Greed - Daily Kos

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