What is Atheism? A Lack of Belief in Gods – Center for Inquiry

Posted: February 17, 2022 at 7:38 am

Atheism is the lack of belief in a god or gods. Thats it. Despite common stereotypes, atheists arent necessarily anti-religion, nor do they worship themselves instead of a god.

Atheists dont hate Godits impossible to hate something if you dont believe it exists. Atheism indicates what someone does not believe, but it says nothing about what someone does believe.

For that, other terms like naturalist, secular humanist, and even Pastafarian connote a rejection of religion while also defining the substance of an individuals philosophy or worldview.

Atheism is avaluable critique of outmoded, regressive religious systems with its vision of a universe upon which meaning was never imposed from above.

Atheism and freethought trace their roots to ancient Greek philosophy, with its emphasis on rational inquiry and curiosity about the workings of nature.Other sources included early Chinese Confucianism, ancient Indian materialists, and Roman Stoics, Epicureans, and Skeptics. Submerged during the Dark Ages, freethought re-emerged in the Renaissance.

TheRichard Dawkins Foundation is one of the premier atheist and secular organizations in the world. RDFs mission is to foster a secular society based on science, reason, freedom of inquiry, and humanist values and have been a division of CFI since2016.

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What is Atheism? A Lack of Belief in Gods - Center for Inquiry

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