Atheism – Wikia

Posted: July 18, 2016 at 3:31 pm


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This wiki strives among other goals to:-

Note; this Wiki says relatively little about Liberal Christianity because Liberal Christianity is less harmful.

It is unlikely that contributions supporting religion or superstition will remain in articles. Still editors may put those opinions into talk pages.

This wiki Supports Naturalism Philosopher Paul Draper, wrote that naturalism is the concept "that the physical world is a 'closed system'". That means "nothing that is neither a part nor a product of [the physical world] can affect it." More simply:

If a disease is caused by microbes, we can learn more about how microbes interact with the body and how the immune system can be activated to destroy them, or how the transmission of microbes can be contained. But if a disease is caused by demons, we can learn nothing more about how to stop it, as demons are said to be supernatural beings unconstrained by the laws of nature (unlike natural causes). (Definition of Naturalism)

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Atheism is defined as:

People often assume that atheism is a religion, which it is not.[1] Saying that atheism is a religion is rather like saying that not collecting coins is a hobby. Atheism is in fact the absence of religion and therefore cannot be considered a religion in itself. Atheists are often associated with scientific thinking and critical thinking, while religions demand belief without supporting empirical evidence. Scientists like Richard Dawkins show how scientific thinking stops people believing in superstition and religion. That often leads to lack of religious belief generally, agnosticism and finally atheism.

The term "atheism" comes from the prefix "a," which means "not" or "without"; and "theos," which means "God"; so "atheism" literally meaning "without God."

Atheism is a lack of belief in a god or gods, and from this atheists typically do not believe in any other supernatural forces or influences.

Atheism does not lead inevitably to any particular moral position, though Humanist morality is popular among atheists. Religious people (theists), notably Christians, frequently like to imagine that human beings only want to be moral if theyre afraid some supernatural father-figure will punish bad behaviour. Frankly, people are better than that. We've evolved so that we care about our relatives: we care about other people from our group, and we can care about humanity and about sentient beings in general. When others do well, we feel better ourselves, and when others suffer, we feel worse. Cultures with memes that encourage helpfulness survive better than uncooperative cultures, so we work to make our culture into a culture in which we and others can surviveor we work to maintain our culture in that way. See:

Do we need religion for ethical behaviour? How many immoral acts have been committed in the name of a particular religion or god? Some examples of this behaviour include the Inquisition, the Crusades, and more recently the murder of abortion doctors in the United States by fundamentalist Christians. So which is the better of the two ideologies below?

Perhaps you will feel like reading the two articles before deciding.

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