What Is Ascension? And What Does Ascension Really Mean …

Posted: April 4, 2021 at 5:27 pm

What Is the Meaning of Ascension?

Ascension is actively choosing to evolve into higher consciousness.

Ascension is merging with your higher self, opening your heart, andexpanding to reunite with Source, Christ Light, and all levels and layers of your authentic self. It is returning to the experience of Divine Light and experiencing the highest levels of unconditional love and Divine Alignment with Pure Source Light in every area of life.

Ascension is not something that happens to us on a certain date, or that we unknowingly or unwillingly stumble into.

Rather, through expanded awareness, and by integrating the higher vibrational consciousness of our spiritual selves, we are able to ascend.

Ascension is a process of aligning with higher consciousness and with the Divine. It doesn't happen instantly or automatically, but rather ascension happens incrementally, as we increase our present moment illumination one step at a time.

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Ascension is not only spiritual, physical, or mental. The ascension process has an impact on your entire being and how you perceive, relate to and interact with the world around you. Ascension is a total transformation. To ascend is to realign with Divine Love, and with awareness at an expanded level of consciousness.

Spirituality is tuning into the spiritual side of life through practice, meditation, tuning into the deeper meaning, and bringing the presence of spirit, or connecting with Spirit in your life.

It doesnt matter whether you're connecting with Angels, your loved ones in heaven, your higher selves, or God

When you experience, feel, sense, and communicate beyond the physical, you're tuning into the spiritual.

Awakening is when you actually wake up to the truth that you are one with Source ; God light. You understand that there's so much more going on than just the physical realm. You are waking up to the knowledge of the greater divine plan that is unfolding throughout all of reality. It also means waking up to experience your higher vibrational truth, the perspective of your greater self, and understanding that you are a spark of the divine.

You understand that there's so much more going on than just the physical realm (the spiritual). You are waking up to the knowledge of the greater divine plan that is unfolding throughout all of reality. It also means waking up to experience your higher vibrational truth, the perspective of your greater self, and understanding that you are a spark of the divine.

Awakening and spirituality are both a part of ascension. As you learn to take control of your awareness and attention, you are able to wake up' to the authentic nature of your spirit, and to empower yourself to consciously align with higher consciousness, wisdom, and with the Divine in every moment. The game of life is triggering more and more to wake up from the persistent illusion and to remember the truth of our multidimensional selves by linking with higher consciousness.

You are source incarnate and Source God. The universe is experiencing reality through your eyes and mine. It is awakening to the fact that we are not separate. You are another me. You are another myself Lakech

Lakech is a Mayan word that literally means you are another myself. We are one. We are both source light viewing reality through our life experience. Tuning into this level of awareness is awakening.

This is not to say you are a God. You are a spark of God. You are a divine human and ascension is returning to this new template; to your true divine nature.

Ascension, by definition, is elevating your vibration through spiritual practice, meditation, receiving codes of awakening, light, and DNA activations.

Ascension allows you to access spiritual energetic upgrades to rise above the experience of duality, transcend negativity, and live as an awakened divine being in physical form.

To fully ascend into total enlightenment and awareness of the Divine within your self and within all, clearing out the old and outdated patterns, habits, beliefs and energies is required to make room for the inner brilliance and illumination of Divine light to shine through you.

By cutting the cords to the past, and releasing the pain, guilt, or grief which is weighing you down, you free yourself to awaken and to ascend. You're then able to shine as the unique expression of the Divine that you are, moving forward on your path of illumination.

Ascension caught quite a buzz leading up to and around 2012. But now that that date has long come and gone, it's more clear than ever before, that instead of something external magically helping all to shift at once, it's now up to you.

It's up to each and every individual to make the inner shift to awaken and ascend. Then, collectively we are able to view reality through the lens of love, and through this enlightened perspective, the mass ascension' and the realm of love on Earth can fully be felt and seen.

Plus, the once hidden teachings of love, enlightenment, and ascension are no longer concealed by mystery schools, religions, and secret societies. But while the information is out there, and the stage is set, ascension takes commitment, and self responsibility to make the leap out of fear, and into love. It takes a constant return to awareness to shift out of old patterns and habits in order to lift into the light', to evolve, and ascend.

To ascend is to infuse your consciousness with the infinite possibility manifest through love. The ascension path is multidimensional, and involves all that you are on every level.

Lifting to experience new levels of Divine light is one aspect of the ascension path.

Releasing, integrating and healing past wounds, energetic blockages, beliefs, fears, and limitations is another.

Throughout the ascension process, awareness is essential.

With awareness you are able to know your required work and your next steps. You're able to notice the patterns and beliefs holding you in density and release them in the moment to step into a new level of love.

The ascension path is not easy, but it is simple. Your awareness is your most valuable resource, and so if you want to progress on your ascension path, make a commitment to take control of your attention and become more and more aware.

In the physical world now there are a constant supply of distractions entertaining and stimulating our minds in every moment. Unplug. The mind is part of what we are ascending But to do so we need to be able to let it pause.

It's also incredibly important to prepare your body vehicle for higher levels of light through detoxification And clearing lower levels of emotion, limiting beliefs and fear.

Awareness will also help you to adapt to the ever changing circumstances of life around you.

In addition to meditation, learn and seek out new perspectives, validate what you learn to gain wisdom and knowledge, implement what will serve you, love in every moment, move forward, and grow

This is the ascension path. The path of increased awareness, higher consciousness and illumination. The master path of love.

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Higher vibrational living awaits you as you consciously choose to ascend. Put in the time to meditate, to open your heart and link with the Divine and with the realms of spirit, and to release that which is not in alignment with who you are becoming.

Your awareness is key So pay attention to what gets your attention. Is it love? Is what you are filling your mind and body with serving you in your life and on your ascension path? It is fueling your soul and spirit Or just distracting you?

Not all will ascend in this lifetime. But if you were drawn to read this article.. the stage is set for you! Your total enlightened and illuminated self already exists.

Now it's simply a matter of integrating your light into your being. Bringing your spiritual power into the physical. Opening your heart, becoming aware, and shining with the full brilliance of your higher self and spiritual being here in the physical.

Namaste and Lak'ech,

P.S.Namaste means, I bow to the divine in you. I honor the divine light in you. I see the divine being that you authentically are. The light in me, the divinity in me reflects the light in you.

I see the divine being that you authentically are. The light in me, the divinity in me reflects the light in you.

And then Lakech, You are another myself.

We are both source light, God light incarnate

We are one.

Learn more about Activating Your Ascension Codes

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What Is Ascension? And What Does Ascension Really Mean ...

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