The angels announce the Ascension; Angels: Day 203 – Patheos (blog)

Posted: February 11, 2017 at 8:38 am

Angels tell the gaping disciples that this Jesus has been taken into Heaven.St. Augustine says that the angels are emphasizing that it is the very same Jesus whose body they saw broken on the Cross and buried in the tombthe same Jesus who will come again, but who, even in Heaven, is always with them.

God has gone up with a shout, the Lord with the sound of a trumpet (Ps. 46:5).

The disciples wondered in joy, seeing him whose death they had mourned going up into Heaven.

Angels preached the Ascension of the Lord. They saw the disciples when their Lord ascended, lingering in wonder, confused, saying nothing but rejoicing in their hearts, and then came the sound of the trumpet, the clear voice of the angels: Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into Heaven? This Jesus (Acts 1:11)as if they didnt know it was the same Jesus. Hadnt they just seen him in front of them? Hadnt they heard him speaking with them? In fact, they didnt just see him with them: they had touched his arms. So didnt they know by themselves that it was the same Jesus?

But they were out of their minds with wonder and joyous celebration; and thats why the angels specifically said this Jesus. It was as if they were saying, If you believe him, this is the same Jesus who was crucified, and your feet stum- bledwho was dead and buried, and you thought your hope was lost. This is the same Jesus. He has gone up before you. He will come in the same way you have seen him go into Heaven. His body is taken away from your sight, its true, but God is not separated from your hearts. See him going up. Believe in him when he isnt here. Hope for his coming. But yet, through his secret mercy, feel him present. For although he ascended into Heaven and was taken away from your sight, yet he promised you, Lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age (Matt. 28:20). St. Augustine, Exposition on Psalm 47, 6


Do I go to the angels for help in understanding the mysteries of Christs life? Do I ask my guardian angel to accompany me as I pray the rosary or read the Scriptures?


Angel of God, open my eyes, that I may see the Lords mysteries as you do.

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The angels announce the Ascension; Angels: Day 203 - Patheos (blog)

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