Church of the Ascension to offer Ashes to Go | Lifestyles … – Bradford Era

Posted: February 26, 2017 at 11:29 pm

The Church of the Ascension will be observing Ash Wednesday on March 1 with several happenings.

For the fifth year, the church will offer Ashes to Go in Veterans Square from 10:30-11:30 a.m. to provide an opportunity to receive ashes and a brief prayer to people who are not able to make a regular service that day.

The church will also offer more traditional services with communion at noon and 7 p.m. at the church located at 26 Chautauqua Place. Finally, the church will offer a modified form of Ashes to Go at the Bradford Regional Medical Center Chapel at 2 p.m. for patients and staff who wish to participate.

Receiving a sign of the cross made of ashes on the forehead is a traditional reminder to Christians of their mortal nature and is one way they can mark the beginning of Lent a season of reflection, penitence and self-denial observed by many Christians as a proper preparation for Holy Week and the Easter celebration that follows.

Ashes to Go is a worldwide movement to bring the rituals and blessings of the church out into the community to meet people where they are and make them accessible to a wider range of people.

See the rest here:

Church of the Ascension to offer Ashes to Go | Lifestyles ... - Bradford Era

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