Ascension Church – Portland, OR

Posted: October 29, 2016 at 11:50 am

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION FOR CHILDREN-ENGLISH CLASSES Registration is openfor Sunday-School, First Communion andFirst Reconciliation! Contact: Sharon Grigar at 503-256-3897 x21 or Sundaysfrom 9am to 10am from September to May Meetings for parents are bi-lingual. Childrens books are bi-lingual. For information, please refer to our bulletin.

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION FOR CHILDREN SPANISH CLASSES/ Catecismo para Nios en Espaol y Bilingue Registracion estan abiertas para nios y nias. Los libros y las maestras son biligues. Las clases comenzaran en septiembre y se imparten todos losmartes de las7:00pm a las -8:15pm. Mas informacion en las paginas 5 y 6 de la seccion en espaol de nuestro boletin.

ADULT FAITH FORMATION: Programs vary each year and include Scripture Study, JustFaith and Good News People Graduate Enrichment, Men's Group, Women's Group, Summer Reading Book , Annual Parish Mission and Advent and Lenten Mornings of Reflection.See your bulletin for details.

ARE YOU INTERESTED IN BECOMING CATHOLIC? ESTAS INTERESADO EN SER CATOLICO? * RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation) meets October to May. Contact person: Sharon Grigar at extension# 21 or email:

*RICA (Rtito de Iniciacioin Cristiana para Adultos)clases en espanol comenzaran en Octubre. Comunicate con Maria Solis a la extension# 19 o por email a:

YOUTH MINISTRY:Youth Groups Meetings and Confirmation Make sure to check our bulletin for important dates and times. You can also contact our Youth Minister, Kim Petros at (503)256-3897, extension 16 or

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Ascension Church - Portland, OR

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