Ascension Catholic Community

Posted: September 2, 2016 at 5:55 am

Duty of human beings toward creation is to lend it a voice

09/01/16 3:25 pm

(Vatican Radio) Praying for creation or praying with creation? that was the question posed by the preacher of the Papal Household, Fr Raniero Cantalamessa at Vespers on Thursday evening.

Against the majestic backdrop of St Peters Basilica and with Pope Francis looking on, Fr Cantalamessa told those present that God did not program creation as if it were a clock or a computer in which every movement is programmed from the beginning, except, he added, maybe for some periodic updates.

09/01/16 2:35 pm

(Vatican Radio) The program for Popes Francis visit to the Italian hilltop town of Assisi was released in the Vatican on Thursday. During his one-day visit the Pope will be taking part in the closing of an interreligious World Day of Prayer for Peace, organized by the Community of SantEgidio. His latest pilgrimage to Assisi marks the 30th anniversary of the First World Day of Prayer for Peace that St. John Paul convened in the birthplace of St. Francis, back in 1986.

Pope Francis presence at the interreligious prayer summit on September 20th will mark his second visit to the birthplace of his namesake in less than two months.

09/01/16 10:59 am

(Vatican Radio) To mark the September 1st day of prayer for creation, Pope Francis has added a new work of mercy for Catholics to perform: caring for our common home, the planet and all its inhabitants.

At a press conference on Thursday morning, Cardinal Peter Turkson, head of the new Vatican office for Promoting Integral Human Development, and Bishop Brian Farrell from the Council for Christian Unity, introduced the Popes message for this annual observance, together with Irish author Terence Ward.

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Ascension Catholic Community

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