John Pisarek Talks Artificial Intelligence – Customer Think

Posted: February 15, 2017 at 9:20 pm

As organizations plan their customer strategies they foresee an onslaught of customer interactions coming their way. The fallacy of believing that adding self-service options will decrease customer requests is now known. When your organization opens channels for customer to interact with you, even with self-service options, customers will interact with you more. This engagement is a good thing. But the only way to handle all of your volume in an effective manner without adding more staff is by leveraging Artificial Intelligence.

Listening to John Pisarek of Interactionsat Call Center Week Winterthe scenario of about projecting more customer interaction volume and not getting additional staff to handle it is a common reality for many contact center leaders.

And its a worry and issue across the industry. In the 2016 Global Contact Center Benchmark Report by Dimension Data67.8% of contact center leaders project an increase in overall interaction volume. How many of those 67.8% do you think have been provided an increase in staffing in order to handle that increased volume?

Even though a lot of that increased volume is coming via digital channels, an increase in staffing levels in often needed to handle customer interactions that opt into different channels whether its another digital channel or voice channel.

This is where Artificial Intelligence (AI) could greatly assist in this common dilemma. But not all AI is built alike. Learning and understanding your needs is the best way to determine the solution you seek.

Watch John Pisarek of Interactions talk Artificial Intelligence at Call Center Week Winter with Jim Rembach Click to Tweet

Interactions is a leading provider of speech and natural language technology that enables businesses and consumers to engage in productive conversations. With flexible products and solutions designed to meet the growing demand for unified, multichannel customer care, Interactions is delivering significant cost savings and unprecedented customer experience for some of the largest brands in the world. Founded in 2004, Interactions is headquartered in Franklin, Massachusetts with additional offices in Indiana, Texas, New Jersey and New York. Source:

Total disruption and massive job losses are headed for the contact center industry. The robo agent will take over customer service and the call center agent will be a relic from the past just like rotary dial telephone.

Thats a bunch of foolishness, dont fall victim to that type of hysteria. What will happen as we continue with advances in AI and natural language capabilities is a shifting in the work conducted by agents.

As the lower level requests are handled by better technology the more complex requests will make their way to the live agent queue. A Frost & Sullivan study claims that by 2022 the number of high-skilled outsourcing jobs could almost double. You can probably expect the same for non-outsourced agent jobs.

The global economy continues to grow. As economies grow there is most often and increase in the need for jobs. Global growth in in 2017 is projected to rise to 2.7 percent according to World Bank. And the world population is on the rise. More people more (customer) service required.

As we see this shift in the work of the contact center agent, we should also see a shift in the work of quality assurance. What types of channels do you support?:

What else? Are you measuring quality in each of these channels? We know that customers may opt out into your agent assisted channel from another channel. But you cant just measure the quality of the voice interaction and expect improvements in the customer experience.

Its actually an unjust burden to put on agents to only quality monitor their interactions. Agent assisted or not, the quality in each channel is vital to understand your risk of losing a customer and controlling your costs.

Visibility into the quality of your Artificial Intelligence solutions (as well as your other channels) must be part of your strategic planning process. If its not your expected savings in staffing wont be real either.

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Call Center Coach | Fast Leader Show

Jim Rembach is a twenty-year contact center veteran, SVP forCustomer Relationship Metrics, Principal forBeyond Moraleand Board Chair for Call Center Coach. His past experience in operations builds the credibility that follows. Jim is a Certified Emotional Intelligence Practitioner, Certified Contact Center Auditor, and is a CX Expert Emeritus for the Customer Experience Professionals Association (CXPA).

Current Author Rank: 108

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John Pisarek Talks Artificial Intelligence - Customer Think

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