Artificial Intelligence Is Taking Over Jobs That Humans Did For Years –

Posted: November 15, 2021 at 11:35 pm

Margie and I were shopping at Sams Wholesale Club yesterday when all of a sudden a floor cleaning machine drove right past us.

This doesnt sound at all eventful, however - at second glance - I could see that the floor cleaning vehicle was driverless. There was a seat, controls, and a steering wheel, but there was no human driver.

As I processed this moment, the first thing I thought about was how cool this is. A driverless, automated vehicle that has a cleaning route all mapped out.

It automatically beeps its horn to alert people of its presence. I watched it break timely for human traffic.

Its amazing, game-changing technology. The store confidently operates this equipment during normal operating hours with people walking right near it. We were there right at 10:00 a.m., yesterday during the opening minutes of operation.

A moment later, I thought, wow, this equipment has taken away a good job that used to exist.

Now, its true that businesses all over America are having a hard time filling numerous open job classifications.

I couldnt help but think about the many jobs that have been eliminated over the past recent years because of technology.

A few years ago,a McKinsey reporthighlighted the following statistics:

Regarding workforce displacement, they conclude that as many as 800 million global jobs and 475 million employees could be disrupted by automation before 2030.

Here are some of the most recent jobs lost due to technology:

Here are six jobs that may disappear by 2030:

Here are five jobs that wont be eliminated by 2030:

In summary, technology is amazing and wonderful. Yet, on the other hand, good jobs that have existed for generations are being eliminated. People will have to become more nimble and adaptable than ever before and be prepared to potentially have to make a career change as the marketplace continues to evolve.

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Artificial Intelligence Is Taking Over Jobs That Humans Did For Years -

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