No Reports of Violence as Antifa Hits Sacramento Streets on Inauguration Day – CBS Sacramento

Posted: January 25, 2021 at 4:28 am

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) The massive National Guard presence outside the California Capitol stayed in place Wednesday night, hours after protestors did rally around the downtown area.

There were no reports of violence.

Officers detained several protestors at one point, over concerns they were carrying explosives. One of the detainees spoke to CBS13 and did not want to identify herself.

They said that they got a tip that we had something dangerous in the car, she said.

Antifa posted to several social media accounts they would be demonstrating in Sacramento. Their trademark look is called the black block.

The black block is, youre dressed all in black, retiree FBI agent Glenn Norling said. Its very intimidating to the general public.

Norling now runs a consulting company called Train Be Ready that helps train law enforcement on how to plan for Antifa protests, which have become more visible and violent during the Trump administration.

More from CBS Sacramento:

And I believe the folks who are orchestrating these things are master manipulators of that group think, that crowd mentality, Norling said, and can contribute and understand how to tweak things, toward their goal.

Trump supporters who were denied a permit to protest the election at the Capitol did not show up in crowds.

Policing demonstrators on this Inauguration Day.

As the nation hands the power to a new president, Californias capitol security remains on high alert.

See original here:

No Reports of Violence as Antifa Hits Sacramento Streets on Inauguration Day - CBS Sacramento

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