Antifa and the Capitol: A tale of two insurrections – opinion – The Jerusalem Post

Posted: February 6, 2021 at 8:34 am

The shocking attack on the US Capitol has been uniformly characterized in the past few weeks as an insurrection incited by a sitting president and carried out by a seditious mob. Its worth reviewing what preceded the riot, and considering the impact of its aftermath.The event was entirely predictable. It was evolutionary rather than revolutionary; the logical next step in the trend we have witnessed over the past four years. Here are just a few examples of efforts to overturn the 2016 election that were at least as seditious as what happened at the Capitol. Violent anti-Trump demonstrations began even before his inauguration. The American intelligence apparatus assisted the Democratic Party in advancing the Russian collusion hoax based on a source and document they knew to be unreliable from the outset. In 2018, left-wing demonstrators occupied the Senate office building and attacked the Supreme Court. This summer, mayors rushed to declare solidarity with rioters as police stations and federal courthouses were fire-bombed and thousands of businesses were looted and destroyed. Laying siege for a full week, a mob attempted to break through barriers surrounding the White House, injuring several Secret Service officers. They then assaulted people leaving the White House, including members of Congress.An atmosphere of lawlessness was created. The media and the Democratic leadership minimized or ignored violence incited by Marxist Black Lives Matter and anarchistic Antifa supporters. Political violence was not only tolerated; it was encouraged by people in power. Rioters were hailed as patriots.Violent Antifa demonstrations in Washington State and Oregon continue to this day, with rioters chanting, We dont want Biden. We want revenge! Clearly, Antifas ultimate goal was not removing Trump but destroying the American system. Democrats have remained silent.None of this justifies the abhorrent attack on January 6. However, the Capitol rioters did not act in a vacuum. Their inexcusable actions were the foreseeable extension of what came before.The reaction to the Capitol riot has been very different.

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Antifa and the Capitol: A tale of two insurrections - opinion - The Jerusalem Post

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