Financial Planning + Alternative Medicine – March 8, 2017 … – KHTS Radio

Posted: March 10, 2017 at 3:11 am

Hosts: Dr. Gene Dorio, Barbara Cochran

Guests: Arif Halaby, Total Financial Solutions; Kim Wahl, Alternative Medicines Specialist

Topic:Senior Hour

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Today on the Senior Hour, Dr. Dorio and Barbara Cochran sit down with Arif Halaby from Total Financial Solutions to discuss ways that seniors can plan for their future, and work to protect their money. Gene and Barbara also welcome Domestic Violence Center to discuss the very real issue of senior abuse, and what people can do to help end it.

Alternative medicinespecialist Kim Wahl joins the gang in-studioduring the second segment to talk about the physiological issues many people face as they grow older.

Ms. Wahl provides tips and remediestorelieve the stress load and ailments that your body is facing, which include avoiding traditional medicine and drugs found in Western medicine.

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Financial Planning + Alternative Medicine - March 8, 2017 ... - KHTS Radio

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