Ask a Doctor: Is there an alternative medicine treatment for constant pain? – Chattanooga Times Free Press

Posted: March 7, 2017 at 10:17 pm

Dr. Matthew McClanahan, CHI Memorial Integrative Medicine Associates; member, Chattanooga Hamilton-County Medical Society

Dr. Matthew McClanahan, CHI Memorial Integrative Medicine Associates;...

Photo by David Humber

Q: I have chronic pain. Is there an alternative medicine treatment that could help me get relief from the constant pain?

A: Many people who suffer from chronic joint pain may benefit from a form of treatment called prolotherapy. Like most alternative treatments, this technique targets the root cause of pain rather than simply masking pain.

Prolotherapy targets an often overlooked part of the body ligaments and tendons and regeneration is the primary focus. It triggers self-healing by stimulating a small, precisely-directed inflammatory response using an injection of an irritating substance, such as dextrose (sugar water). The immune system recognizes the micro-damage caused by the injection and begins a healing process.

Prolotherapy is only indicated after a thorough joint evaluation, including the bones and connective tissues, in addition to accounting good nutrition, posture/ergonomics and proper movement biomechanics.

Dr. Matthew McClanahan, CHI Memorial Integrative Medicine Associates; member, Chattanooga Hamilton-County Medical Society

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Ask a Doctor: Is there an alternative medicine treatment for constant pain? - Chattanooga Times Free Press

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