Alternative Medicine, Home Remedy and Natural Cures

Posted: July 31, 2016 at 5:48 am

Without health life is not life; it is only a state of langour and suffering. Buddha provides you with several natural cures and home remedies, based on Ayurveda, Siddha and Chinese Medicine. We will present to you only those remedies that are scientifically studied and proven to be effective.

Alternative medicine is a 5 trillion dollar industry and there are many alternative medicines and home remedies that are either unproven or dis-proven It is important to weed out wrong methods and scams and practice only those herbs and methods that are scientifically proven to be effective.

Unlike the conventional medicine which is more oriented towards relieving the symptoms, medical systems like Ayurveda and Siddha focus on the root cause of disease. These systems also deal about herbs that can give you almost instant relief from your symptoms.

Yoga Therapy is growing like wild fire, as it provides effective treatment for many common ailments. Get to know yoga therapy from a certified yoga trainer who is intensively practicing yoga for over 15 years.

Pharma companies keep claiming that their drugs are safe, despite that you will hear news about these same drugs being pulled off from the market as they are unsafe.

There is a widespread belief that the Big Pharma Giants have kept some of the most remarkable herbal treatments under wraps. However it is also very important that you dont fall for some fake home remedy which you find in some random blogs. There are several bogus websites which promote fake systems and fake medicines in the name of alternative treatment. We have tried to compile a list of natural remedy for common diseases and ailments.

Please read our Disclaimer, this website is meant to provide just information and not medical advice. Consult a certified medical practitioner for treating your medical conditions.

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Alternative Medicine, Home Remedy and Natural Cures

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