Justice Ginsburg Backs Abolition Of The Electoral College – Daily Caller

Posted: February 7, 2017 at 10:14 pm


Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg expressed support for abolishing the Electoral College during remarks at Stanford University Monday night.

Ginsburg gave the Rathbun Lecture on a Meaningful Life at Stanford Memorial Church withRev. Professor Jane Shaw, dean for religious life, where she was asked which constitutional provisions should evolve with the society.

Well, some things I would like to change, one is the electoral college, she said, to rapturous applause. But that would require a constitutional amendment. Amending our Constitution is powerfully hard to do, as I know from the struggle for the Equal Rights Amendment, which fell three state shy [of passage].

The justices forays into politics have troubled court-watchers in the past. Her blunt critiques of President Donald Trump during last years general election were roundly condemned, leading Ginsburg to apologize.

One intrepid student also broached the subject of Ginsburgs age. At 83, she is the oldest member of the Court. The state of Ginsburgs health, at the moment robust, has generated pronounced anxiety among liberals who fear her battle with the actuarial tables could give President Trump another appointment to the Supreme Court and hurl the balance of the bench further to the right. Ginsburg works with a yoga instructor several times per week to remain physically vital.

A lot of people have been expressing encouragement that you eat more kale so to speak so that you can continue doing the public service work that you are doing for as long as possible, the student said.I was wondering, who do you want to eat more kale in Washington?

Justice Kennedy, she replied. Rumors abound that Kennedy, 80, is considering retirement.

Ginsburg is on her way to Hawaii where she will participate in the jurist-in-residence program at the University of Hawaiis William S. Richardson School of Law. The Supreme Court will begin hearing cases again later in the month.

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Justice Ginsburg Backs Abolition Of The Electoral College - Daily Caller

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